Yeah, I know I know, you have this look on your face saying, "here is another self-styled guru, telling me to be authentic, yet once again, especially when taken in the context of Twitter and social media.
" But one has to admit that the self-styled gurus have something here.
And that is what you are going to know, the moment you finish this article.
Apart from that, you are going to know exactly how you can achieve this particular authenticity without looking like a grade A hypocrite and phony.
Now let us take this particular word authenticity, so the dictionary says that it means genuineness and accuracy.
But according to me, it means you being just your suffer nobody else.
The idea is that if anybody who you meet online meets you in real life, he does not go back disappointed thinking, "I quite expected something else.
Man, what an unreal picture this guy gave of himself, online.
" That is exactly what the gurus mean when they talk about your being authentic.
Perhaps, you would just want to ask why would people want authenticity in you? You mean why would people prefer no-frills and no fancies, when they want to know about the real you? The reason is clear, a person is subconsciously going to buy from another person, who he trusts and likes.
If you do not give people a chance to know you and like you, they are definitely not going to see you in reality.
Many of us want to say, "I vant to be out alone," like the mysterious Garbo but it does not always work that way in business.
Once you show people that you are real living breathing human being like they are, you are going to create a bond between them and you.
That is the reason why they are going to click upon the links posted on your blogs.
They are also going to respond to any messages posted by you.
So alright, this means that I have to show that I am real, I am authentic, and this is the way in which I can make people get to know me.
But how do I go about doing exactly that? Just imagine that Twitter is a party where you just walked in without an invitation.
Your job is to make friends and influence people.
You listen to some conversations and join in them, after introducing yourself politely.
Add your own witty bon mots to the conversation and make them laugh, cry, think, and generally leave a good impression behind.
This is exactly what you are going to do on twitter.
People who are really interested in you can be contacted personally by just contacting them with an @ sign before their username.
Once you have a complete network, you can start telling them about your product, your business and services.
Self-promotion comes only after you have promoted someone successfully on Twitter.
It is going to take some time before you see some really good results coming in on Twitter, but once the traffic starts, you are going to see profitable sales, and the sort of traffic you want, through twitter.
So what stops you from jumping on the Twitter bandwagon and twitting right away?
" But one has to admit that the self-styled gurus have something here.
And that is what you are going to know, the moment you finish this article.
Apart from that, you are going to know exactly how you can achieve this particular authenticity without looking like a grade A hypocrite and phony.
Now let us take this particular word authenticity, so the dictionary says that it means genuineness and accuracy.
But according to me, it means you being just your suffer nobody else.
The idea is that if anybody who you meet online meets you in real life, he does not go back disappointed thinking, "I quite expected something else.
Man, what an unreal picture this guy gave of himself, online.
" That is exactly what the gurus mean when they talk about your being authentic.
Perhaps, you would just want to ask why would people want authenticity in you? You mean why would people prefer no-frills and no fancies, when they want to know about the real you? The reason is clear, a person is subconsciously going to buy from another person, who he trusts and likes.
If you do not give people a chance to know you and like you, they are definitely not going to see you in reality.
Many of us want to say, "I vant to be out alone," like the mysterious Garbo but it does not always work that way in business.
Once you show people that you are real living breathing human being like they are, you are going to create a bond between them and you.
That is the reason why they are going to click upon the links posted on your blogs.
They are also going to respond to any messages posted by you.
So alright, this means that I have to show that I am real, I am authentic, and this is the way in which I can make people get to know me.
But how do I go about doing exactly that? Just imagine that Twitter is a party where you just walked in without an invitation.
Your job is to make friends and influence people.
You listen to some conversations and join in them, after introducing yourself politely.
Add your own witty bon mots to the conversation and make them laugh, cry, think, and generally leave a good impression behind.
This is exactly what you are going to do on twitter.
People who are really interested in you can be contacted personally by just contacting them with an @ sign before their username.
Once you have a complete network, you can start telling them about your product, your business and services.
Self-promotion comes only after you have promoted someone successfully on Twitter.
It is going to take some time before you see some really good results coming in on Twitter, but once the traffic starts, you are going to see profitable sales, and the sort of traffic you want, through twitter.
So what stops you from jumping on the Twitter bandwagon and twitting right away?