The Law of Attraction states that...
Every person's frequency depends upon his thoughts and feelings.
•These feelings attract corresponding circumstances.
•For example if a woman believes that all men are bad...
that becomes her reality...
e she will come across/attract such men in her life...
though not deliberately.
Everything that comes into ones life is because one has manifested it •We do not live in a universe of accidents.
Everything has a cause and a corresponding effect.
•Outer circumstances are an effect of our thoughts and the corresponding feelings we radiate out into the universe.
Whatever is resisted persists in one's life.
•Let's say someone says I do not want these circumstances or people in my life.
•That person gets more of the same.
The reason...
wherever is one's focus...
one gets the same in his living reality.
The universe understands only images and feelings...
not words.
•If one says "I do not want to become fat"...
the image of one being fat and the corresponding feelings are manifested into the universe.
•The universe does not understand the word "do not".
•All that it understood in the above sentence was the image of one being fat and the corresponding feelings.
The Law Of Attraction is actually Newtons third law.
"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
" This is exactly the law of attraction.
All that one has to do is consider thoughts and corresponding feelings generated also as actions..
and thus..
take responsibility for them.
ASK 2.
RECEIVE Is it so simple? Yes it is.
•Ask:- Being clear of what one wants in life.
•Believe:-Believing and acting as if one already has it so that the corresponding feelings of having it right now is radiated into the universe.
•Receive:- Being prepared to receive it always.
The outer world is just a projection of our inner state, thoughts, believes etc.
•The entire world is just a projection and the projector being ones mind.
•When the content inside the projector changes..
the projection on the wall in front changes.
when one's thoughts, believes, feelings change..
it is projected in one's outer reality.
It's similar to the LAW OF GRAVITY IN THE SENSE..
•Its always in action...
irrespective of ones place and time.
•Is in action 24x7 whether one understands it or not.
Every person's frequency depends upon his thoughts and feelings.
•These feelings attract corresponding circumstances.
•For example if a woman believes that all men are bad...
that becomes her reality...
e she will come across/attract such men in her life...
though not deliberately.
Everything that comes into ones life is because one has manifested it •We do not live in a universe of accidents.
Everything has a cause and a corresponding effect.
•Outer circumstances are an effect of our thoughts and the corresponding feelings we radiate out into the universe.
Whatever is resisted persists in one's life.
•Let's say someone says I do not want these circumstances or people in my life.
•That person gets more of the same.
The reason...
wherever is one's focus...
one gets the same in his living reality.
The universe understands only images and feelings...
not words.
•If one says "I do not want to become fat"...
the image of one being fat and the corresponding feelings are manifested into the universe.
•The universe does not understand the word "do not".
•All that it understood in the above sentence was the image of one being fat and the corresponding feelings.
The Law Of Attraction is actually Newtons third law.
"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
" This is exactly the law of attraction.
All that one has to do is consider thoughts and corresponding feelings generated also as actions..
and thus..
take responsibility for them.
ASK 2.
RECEIVE Is it so simple? Yes it is.
•Ask:- Being clear of what one wants in life.
•Believe:-Believing and acting as if one already has it so that the corresponding feelings of having it right now is radiated into the universe.
•Receive:- Being prepared to receive it always.
The outer world is just a projection of our inner state, thoughts, believes etc.
•The entire world is just a projection and the projector being ones mind.
•When the content inside the projector changes..
the projection on the wall in front changes.
when one's thoughts, believes, feelings change..
it is projected in one's outer reality.
It's similar to the LAW OF GRAVITY IN THE SENSE..
•Its always in action...
irrespective of ones place and time.
•Is in action 24x7 whether one understands it or not.