- Set the welder properly. Many times, stainless steel projects are thinner than other all-steel items. Because of that, much less power is necessary to weld thin stainless pieces.
- Wire welding with a MIG welder, as with the stick process, requires a clean ground. Be sure the stainless material is thoroughly cleaned before attaching the ground clamp and welding it. A bad ground or dirty surface could cause the weld to become compromised.
- Seal the weld when you are done. Because the newly applied weld will rust, it is a good idea to seal it, either by using a thick clear coat or primer paint. For that reason, stainless steel wire and argon gas will produce the cleanest welds, and will never rust. If the stainless steel must be welded with regular wire, the weld will hold and be strong enough as long as it is done right.
Welder Settings
Clean the Material
Seal to Prevent Rust