- 1). Rinse meat with cold water to remove any bacteria that may be present. Pat dry with a paper towel.
- 2). Put the meat on a cutting board. Cut off fat deposits with a knife. Top round does not have much fat but can accumulate a few fatty areas.
- 3). Cut meat in cubes of 1 to 2 inches. Season with salt and pepper if desired.
- 4). Heat pot on medium-high heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Use a 3- to 5-quart pot if you will not be using a slow cooker.
- 5). Pour 2 to 3 tbsp. of oil in the pot. Move oil around in pot to evenly distribute oil. Place chopped round roast in pan immediately.
- 6). Cook until brown on all sides. Cooking meat on high heat kills bacteria on the surface and browns the meat for better taste and color.
- 7). Preheat your slow cooker on high for 20 minutes. Place the browned cubes of beef in the cooker.Skip this step if you are using a pot instead.
- 8). Add 2 cups of water or broth to the slow cooker or pot. Simmer on medium heat for 1 hour. Add vegetables and cover until vegetables are tender, about 1 to 2 hours.