Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Pit Bikes - Top 9 Factors ThatMake a Quality Pit Bike Brand

What I am about to reveal in the article is why the best brands of pit bikes are so and why you should seriously consider when looking to buy a dirt bike.
I imported pit bikes for 6 years for my business.
95% of the pit bikes are made in china those who tell you different are lying to you.
I visited China 4 times and checked out over 100 pit bike factories.
It would take you 3 months non stop visiting factory after factory before you finished so I got to know where the best pit bikes were made and who made them.
Over this time I observed some very interesting things and took notes on such points.
I concluded that the best Pit bikes came from factories that had the following qualities.
The factory had large capital and financially backing.
The factory had a strong research and development team 4.
The factory used quality materials and parts.
The factory hired USA and Japanese designers and engineers to develop their product line.
The factory imported and used USA and Japanese technology in its production 7.
The factory had a strict quality control program 8.
The factory had a large network of international distributors 9.
The factories had their own range ofBikes that were unique to that factory So forth..
So before I even stepped into a factory I knew exactly whether I would do business with this factory just buy asking these simple questions to the factory bosses.
By about the 50th factory I had memorized these questions in my head and if they didn't meet 90% of this criteria I would simply thank them for their time and walk away.
Over the last 2 to 3 years I have seen the quality of Pit bikes increase dramatically.
This is why I recommend those who are considering a Japanese bike to seriously look at a China dirt bike provided you know what brands and models to look.
You'll be very surprised how far Chinese Pit bikes have come in the last few years.
A perfect example is look at KIA and Hyundai cars 20 years ago you wouldn't dream of buying.
Now they are outselling Fords and Honda's.
This will be the trend with Chinese pit bikes but it will take many years before they are a trusted household brand.
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