In this we can begin to understand how important gold is, and why you need so much of it to make the game more fun. After all that's what we are here to do right?
First we need to understand why you need gold. This is a gear-based game. Which means that with out descent gear you will have a hard time leveling, raiding, and doing dailies for more gold and getting mounts.
Gear is what makes this game. No matter how good you are, if you don't have good gear your chances to win against someone who has good gear is dramatically reduced even if they are not that good of a player. You will also have a harder time getting a group for heroic dungeons. This can only be solved with a new guild or a gearing guild or by buying your way into the group. Leveling for some classes requires new gear at least every five levels.
As you level you will be able to get mounts at levels 20-40-60-70. The total of all these mounts is 6,540 gold and that is just the training and the mount. There are several flying mounts and ground mounts that can be bought thru reputation and the cheapest of these mounts is about 8g and go way up from there, some being 8,000 gold. If you have played World of Warcraft you will know that gold is not the easiest thing to get. And regardless of what peoples say you cannot buy the best gear in game. You will either have to work for it. Or buy your way into the raids; in which case you will more than likely just get a chance of rolling on a few drops in the raid and probably won't get everything you want.
First we need to understand why you need gold. This is a gear-based game. Which means that with out descent gear you will have a hard time leveling, raiding, and doing dailies for more gold and getting mounts.
Gear is what makes this game. No matter how good you are, if you don't have good gear your chances to win against someone who has good gear is dramatically reduced even if they are not that good of a player. You will also have a harder time getting a group for heroic dungeons. This can only be solved with a new guild or a gearing guild or by buying your way into the group. Leveling for some classes requires new gear at least every five levels.
As you level you will be able to get mounts at levels 20-40-60-70. The total of all these mounts is 6,540 gold and that is just the training and the mount. There are several flying mounts and ground mounts that can be bought thru reputation and the cheapest of these mounts is about 8g and go way up from there, some being 8,000 gold. If you have played World of Warcraft you will know that gold is not the easiest thing to get. And regardless of what peoples say you cannot buy the best gear in game. You will either have to work for it. Or buy your way into the raids; in which case you will more than likely just get a chance of rolling on a few drops in the raid and probably won't get everything you want.