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Effective Natural Supplements for Constipation Eradication

It is not surprising that more and more people are experiencing constipation today with their hectic lifestyle and poor eating habits. Constipation is an uncomfortable phenomenon that can plague men and women alike; even children and the elderly are not spared due to health and life habits.

Long term constipation may bring on a host of health related problems which can be serious. These include arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, hernias and insomnia although mild health issues may include bad breath, mood disorders, headaches and varicose veins.


Constipation occurs when the body is unable to pass motion smoothly and regularly. Waste products in a healthy body would travel down the digestive tract after food is consumed and digested within 6 – 10 hours.

If the waste passes too slowly along the large intestines, constipation occurs. It is difficult for the bowels to pass out the stools when they are constipated. There is an absence of urge to push out the wastes until an uncomfortable feeling emerges. A distended stomach may bring on painfully hard stools.


It is quite easy to detect the onset of constipation. If one has difficulty in passing stools on a regular basis, constipation has set in. The decreased frequency in bowel movements is another sure sign of constipation.

Other symptoms of constipation include a bloated and tender stomach that generates a feeling of malaise with a frequency of flatulence without the stools forthcoming. Some consumers who undergo constipation may experience a loss of appetite.

A healthy individual regardless of age and gender should experience 1-3 complete bowel movements every day. Constipation is one of the more common gastrointestinal disorders around the world today. However, alert and health conscious individuals can do much to avoid the condition.

Natural solutions

There may be many causes to constipation but it is crucial to identify the best of treatments for eradicating the condition. The market may offer a plethora of treatments but a natural solution is the best.

One can consider natural supplements for combating constipation although a healthy and balanced diet would suffice. However, some consumers may not be able to consume sufficient fiber and fluids in their diets for one reason or another. Hence, it is better to consider taking natural supplements for constipation that would bring on a quick resolve to the condition.

Natural supplements can include whole grains, fruits and vegetables as well as beans and all sorts of nuts. Prunes and figs are very effective natural fiber to eradicate constipation.
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