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Natural Remedies for Indigestion, Indigestion Home Remedies

A clear understanding of the digestive processes that go on in the human body is vital to the understanding of the disorders from which digestion suffers. The major disorder is week digestion, dyspepsia or slackness of digestive processes, which are known, in indigenous medicine as being caused by what is called mandagni.

Indigestion is the condition that Ayurveda describes as agnimandhya, or the suppressed state of fire. Over eating or eating incompatible food can cause temporary indigestion. Indigestion can be characterized by a burning sensation in chest, heaviness in stomach, vomiting and nausea.

During holydays, when your meals are more consistent than usual, the caution measures must be sure. Combinations of steak, sausages, meat jelly, cabbage rolls and cookies are a real challenge to your digestive system. Some effects: bloating, stomachaches, throw up sensation, stomach burns. All these can be avoided with things you have in the house: teas, light foods or vegetable juices.

We have all been been awakened in the middle of the night with a and painful burning sensation in our stomach or chest. These four proven remedies will help abate your heartburn and indigestion so you can get back to sleep fast, no matter what you have eaten. Often the first thing folks reach for is a glass of
milk or mints

One of the most common conditions people suffer with today is indigestion. And for most, taking an antacid or purple pill eliminates the symptoms. But is this approach likely to cause serious problems in the future? The answer is an absolute yes.

I wanted to talk to you about natural indigestion remedies. If you’re unfamiliar with the term indigestion, it really just short for heartburn related problems. Basically, the acid in your stomach is getting into the esophagus area and that actually burns it. Hence the burning feeling. For the most part, people get this now and then, but for a few out there it is a consistent problem that happens on a daily basis.

For those that would prefer to stay away from such over-the-counter products, there are a number of natural remedies and cures that can prove quite helpful as well. Cutting back on protein intake can certainly help reduce problems associated with indigestion since protein can cause salt depletion which contributes to indigestion. If you do suffer from this problem, eating celery and cucumbers can restore sodium balance and reduce indigestion. Taking calcium naturally through milk is another common way to combat indigestion naturally and it remains a recommended method.

Carrots are good for indigestion, especially cramps and diarrhea. If you chew on a crude carrot, the saliva production increases, and accelerates the digestion, due to its enzymes, minerals and the vitamins from the carrot. You may squeeze a few carrots, for half a glass, add water to fill the glass and have one glass a day. You can also make a soup of 500g of carrots. Boil them in 750g of water, for 30 minutes. Mash them and add hot water, to obtain 1 liter. Eat the soup slowly, with a teaspoon.
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