Pleural mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. This canceraffects the pleural sac that surrounds the lungs and is causedby exposure to asbestos. The pleural sac contains the lungs andalso a small membrane called the mesothelium. The mesotheliumsecretes a fluid that allows the lungs to contract and expandduring breathing. The inhalation of asbestos causes a build-upof asbestos fibers inside the lungs. Due to the microscopic sizeand sharpness of these fibers it's possible for them topenetrate the walls of the lung and enter the pleural cavity. Asthese fibers travel from the lung into the pleural cavity, thesharp strands shred and mutilate the mesothelium potentiallydestroying it and causing cancer.
As the asbestos fibers move into the pleural cavity, canceroustumors can develop and this thickens the pleural fluid and harmsproper lung movement. The tumors also may constrict the lungsand press on the ribcage or other organs resulting in terriblepain. Since the lungs are responsible for re-oxygenating theblood, cancerous cells can now spread into other parts of thebody through the bloodstream.
It is still unclear by scientists and doctors why asbestosfibers cause the mesothelium to mutate into cancer. However, asmore and more asbestos cases are reported, doctors are learningmore about this devastating condition. Some believe that onlyone single fiber can create the events that cause mesothelioma.Despite the fact that there is no cure for mesothelioma, earlydiagnosis can help doctors give patients the opportunity torelieve a great deal of suffering and possibly prolong thepatient's lives.
For more information on mesotheliomalawyers, bextralawyers or hiring a zyprexalawyer, please visit .This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resourcebox is included and all links stay intact
As the asbestos fibers move into the pleural cavity, canceroustumors can develop and this thickens the pleural fluid and harmsproper lung movement. The tumors also may constrict the lungsand press on the ribcage or other organs resulting in terriblepain. Since the lungs are responsible for re-oxygenating theblood, cancerous cells can now spread into other parts of thebody through the bloodstream.
It is still unclear by scientists and doctors why asbestosfibers cause the mesothelium to mutate into cancer. However, asmore and more asbestos cases are reported, doctors are learningmore about this devastating condition. Some believe that onlyone single fiber can create the events that cause mesothelioma.Despite the fact that there is no cure for mesothelioma, earlydiagnosis can help doctors give patients the opportunity torelieve a great deal of suffering and possibly prolong thepatient's lives.
For more information on mesotheliomalawyers, bextralawyers or hiring a zyprexalawyer, please visit .This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resourcebox is included and all links stay intact