Health & Medical Diabetes

What Are The Best Diets For Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is pretty much its own institution these days.
Back in the old days, type 1 diabetes was the big brother of the two.
With only a tiny percentage, something like one in every one hundred thousand casualties.
Today though, the figures are so exaggerated that it is quite literally a global epidemic.
A multi billion dollar business with each newly diagnosed sufferer, a faithful life long customer of countless oral and injection administered drugs, blood tests kits, more drugs for side effects of the drugs taken in the first place, urine analysis strips..
the list goes on and needless to say, these additions do not come cheap.
Type 2 diabetes is a big business.
With more and more products on the market each and every year, the most basic, fundamental, tried and tested method of all, gets buried deeper and deeper from the public.
Diet! Long before the revolution of mass produced pharmacuticals, people had to control their type 2 diabetes with diet.
Whether it was controlled very well, depended on the individual.
Ultimately, each person must fight their own battle with type 2 diabetes and discipline is a must if one is to control it at any great length.
This leads to our question, what are the best diets for type 2 diabetes? The best diets for type 2 diabetes are obviously the ones that keep weight down, keep blood glucose levels in a safe range and supplies the individual with a healthy and varied range of foods that will keep hunger at bay.
Opinions vary on this subject, and getting your diet wrong can in actual fact keep your blood sugar levels up and cause your condition to worsen.
Eventually leading to greatly deteriorated health.
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