- 1). Make the paper mache with which you will sculpt your gargoyle. Shred the newspaper into the bucket. Try to get the pieces as small as you can, but don't get too stressed out about that, as the warm water will do most of the work. When you think you have enough paper for the size of your project, add the warm water until all of the paper is covered. Let it sit overnight.
- 2). Make a rough model of your gargoyle using chicken wire while you wait for the paper mache to break down. Don't worry about the details like facial features and claws; you'll make those with the mache pulp. Remember: gargoyles are ugly, so if your wire model starts to look weird, all the better.
- 3). Check on your pulp the next day; it should be good and pulpy. Mix it up with the spoon, until it is well mashed up. Strain out all the water, squeezing the last bit out with your hands. This substance should now be mixed with the paper mache paste, according to the directions on the box. Mixed, it should resemble clay.
- 4). Cover your wire model with the paper mache. After it is covered, you can add all of the details, like gnarly teeth, webbed feet, out-of-control eyebrows and horns. Once done, you will have to wait three to five days for the sculpture to get completely dry. Keep an eye out for cracks, which can be repaired with leftover paper mache paste. Once your creation is completely dry, it's ready to paint, although gargoyles can be just as creepy au naturel.