- 1). Drill a 1/8-inch hole through the dowel, 1/2 inch from the end. Thread 38 5/8 inches of electrical wire through the hole. Wrap the remaining wire tightly around the dowel 13 times. Drill a 1/8-inch hole through the dowel after the 13th turn, and thread the remaining wire through the dowel. Cut the wire to 38 5/8 inches at this end as well. Wrap the dowel with electrical tape to secure the wire in place.
- 2). Remove 1/2 inch of insulation from one end of the twin-lead cable. Twist the wire pair together, and secure the connection with solder. This will be the bottom of the antenna.
- 3). Measure 1 1/2 inches from the solder point. Carefully remove 1/4 inch of insulation from both twin-lead wires. This will be the connection point for the feed line.
- 4). Measure 16 11/16 inches from the solder point, and cut the twin-lead cable to this length. Remove 1/2 inch of insulation from the left wire at the end of the cable. Cut the right wire out, leaving the left wire extending 1/2 inch from the end of the cable.
- 5). Strip 1/2 inch of insulation from one end of the electrical wire. Solder this end to the left wire at the end of the twin-lead cable. Wrap electrical tape around the connection to protect the solder joint.
- 6). Cut the connector from one end of the coaxial cable. Remove 1 inch of insulation from the cable. Slice down the side of the braided sheath, and twist the braid into a wire. Remove 1/4 inch of plastic insulation from the inner copper wire.
- 7). Solder the coaxial copper wire to the left wire of the exposed twin-lead. Solder the twisted braid to the right wire. Protect these joints with electrical tape.
- 8). Crimp the ring terminal to the free end of the dowel wire. Hang the antenna from the ring terminal.
- 9). Connect the free end of the coaxial cable to the external antenna jack of your VHF radio.