If you are in the process of planning wedding then the chances are you have probably started to think about your wedding photos. If you haven't then you really need to start to. So that you can give some direction to your wedding photographer some direction having an idea on what poses work well will help.
Perfect portrait
Your idea of the perfect portrait may not be the photographers' ideal portrait. You will need to give the photographers some guidance her as some bride like to opt to for a perfectly posed formal shot. Whilst other brides might be looking for a spur of the moment casual shot. Mind reading is not a skill a photographer has, so voice your preference. If you are not 100% sure on what to go for then do some research, the internet is a wonderful tool for this.
Create a checklist
Make sure you set out to the photographer who you definitely want to get a good photo of. If your aunt needs special attention then put it on a list. Likewise of there are any family tensions that are likely to rear its ugly head if certain people are put together then add this detail too.
Not only are children likely to get bored of hanging around but they are also more likely to lose their perfect look the longer the day goes on. Instruct your photographer to tackle the children's photos as soon as possible.
If your photographer works locally then they are probably know you choice of venue well. This means that they can ensure that adequate lighting equipment is brought along on the day. If the venue s new to the photographer then arrange a meeting there so he/she can look out for any lighting issues.
Say cheese
It is almost impossible to get everyone to smile at the same time. This is why it is important to find a photographer that has a good sense of humour. A natural smile is always going to look better than a false forced smile.
Plan Ahead For Lighting
Natural lighting is almost always best, but not if the sun is glaring down menacingly while the wedding party squints against it. In the case of an indoor venue, it's much easier to plan ahead by checking it out ahead of time. If possible, set your cameras up and take a few test photos to make sure you've got the right equipment in place.
Parts of the day
Decide on which parts of your big you want to document with photos, do you want to have a collection of pre-wedding photo? Are you keen on having some photos of the reception. Having a photographer there for the reception will push up the cost but once a few drinks have been consumed you are likely to get some memorable images.
Perfect portrait
Your idea of the perfect portrait may not be the photographers' ideal portrait. You will need to give the photographers some guidance her as some bride like to opt to for a perfectly posed formal shot. Whilst other brides might be looking for a spur of the moment casual shot. Mind reading is not a skill a photographer has, so voice your preference. If you are not 100% sure on what to go for then do some research, the internet is a wonderful tool for this.
Create a checklist
Make sure you set out to the photographer who you definitely want to get a good photo of. If your aunt needs special attention then put it on a list. Likewise of there are any family tensions that are likely to rear its ugly head if certain people are put together then add this detail too.
Not only are children likely to get bored of hanging around but they are also more likely to lose their perfect look the longer the day goes on. Instruct your photographer to tackle the children's photos as soon as possible.
If your photographer works locally then they are probably know you choice of venue well. This means that they can ensure that adequate lighting equipment is brought along on the day. If the venue s new to the photographer then arrange a meeting there so he/she can look out for any lighting issues.
Say cheese
It is almost impossible to get everyone to smile at the same time. This is why it is important to find a photographer that has a good sense of humour. A natural smile is always going to look better than a false forced smile.
Plan Ahead For Lighting
Natural lighting is almost always best, but not if the sun is glaring down menacingly while the wedding party squints against it. In the case of an indoor venue, it's much easier to plan ahead by checking it out ahead of time. If possible, set your cameras up and take a few test photos to make sure you've got the right equipment in place.
Parts of the day
Decide on which parts of your big you want to document with photos, do you want to have a collection of pre-wedding photo? Are you keen on having some photos of the reception. Having a photographer there for the reception will push up the cost but once a few drinks have been consumed you are likely to get some memorable images.