If you are a martial artist of any kind and you want to create such strong punching power that you are able to knock out your opponent, then read on.
In this article you will find out how you can take your punching to the next level and create iron fists.
There are 3 things that create a powerful punch.
In order to make you opponent feel like they their face just got hit by a school bus, you need to follow all 3 things.
In order to win your match you will need to follow all 3 things and in order to walk away safely from a dangerous situation you will need to know them as well.
Here they are: 1.
Punching power is created by speed.
You can just throw your fist out there at any pace.
You need a way that you can punch quickly.
You need to dedicate your entire body to the punch.
Without the weight of your body and the power of your feet and hips being thrown into the punch, you won't get nearly the power as you could if you did.
You need to catch your opponent off guard, even if it's only for a split second.
That's all you need to knock someone off their feet.
You need to get your opponent into a position where they are not bracing themselves in a good stance, ready for you.
You want them in the one tiny moment when they are distracted and not present.
Their breathing rhythm needs to be thrown off for just a second.
This will knock the wind right out of them at the moment of impact.
If you can incorporate these three things into your technique, your punching power will follow right along.
You will need to put all three techniques together for the maximum results.
If you don't have speed, but you have power and distraction, the opponent may be damaged, but not as devastated as you would if you had all three.
Keep these three rules in mind the next time you are in battle.
It does not matter what size you are.
All you have to do is put your own weight behind a lightning-fast punch to a distracted opponent and they will be down for the count.
The next time you jump in that ring or get stuck in a dark alley, your opponent will wish they never got out of bed that morning.
In this article you will find out how you can take your punching to the next level and create iron fists.
There are 3 things that create a powerful punch.
In order to make you opponent feel like they their face just got hit by a school bus, you need to follow all 3 things.
In order to win your match you will need to follow all 3 things and in order to walk away safely from a dangerous situation you will need to know them as well.
Here they are: 1.
Punching power is created by speed.
You can just throw your fist out there at any pace.
You need a way that you can punch quickly.
You need to dedicate your entire body to the punch.
Without the weight of your body and the power of your feet and hips being thrown into the punch, you won't get nearly the power as you could if you did.
You need to catch your opponent off guard, even if it's only for a split second.
That's all you need to knock someone off their feet.
You need to get your opponent into a position where they are not bracing themselves in a good stance, ready for you.
You want them in the one tiny moment when they are distracted and not present.
Their breathing rhythm needs to be thrown off for just a second.
This will knock the wind right out of them at the moment of impact.
If you can incorporate these three things into your technique, your punching power will follow right along.
You will need to put all three techniques together for the maximum results.
If you don't have speed, but you have power and distraction, the opponent may be damaged, but not as devastated as you would if you had all three.
Keep these three rules in mind the next time you are in battle.
It does not matter what size you are.
All you have to do is put your own weight behind a lightning-fast punch to a distracted opponent and they will be down for the count.
The next time you jump in that ring or get stuck in a dark alley, your opponent will wish they never got out of bed that morning.