Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Guiding People with Counseling Astrology

Astrology's psychology is independent of contemporary understanding and has its own working philosophy as a result of 6,000 years of research and development. Astrology is a metaphysical science. In using astrology to guide people, its best applications will be found against the backdrop of a metaphysical universe where the working principles are based on sound spiritual metaphysics.

To use astrology to counsel man from his anguish, anxieties and confusion, the counseling astrologer needs to be equipped with a sound understanding of the metaphysical universe the subject lives in and how he creates his experiences.

Where in some psychologies, clients are primarily driven towards personal winning and self-preservation, the prime concern for the counseling astrologer cannot be no less than the loving inner growth of the subject and his similar contribution to others. In this philosophy, sometimes 'giving in' can be an absolute 'win'. To do that, one doesn't have to 'cave in'. Sometimes, 'winning' can be a prelude to greater losses and subsequently prolong insecurity. The counseling astrologer coaches a troubled subject to respond in a mutually beneficial way that engages growth for all parties concerned.

The counseling astrologer's prime objective is to increase awareness of the greater understanding of the way the universal forces work in the mechanics and spirituality of his personal world. He educates the client to ultimately make better spiritual decisions at every turn in life.

Good counseling astrology does not recommend absolute configurations to promise absolute complexes in the psyche of the subject. Different planetary positions might portray a similar complex in different flavors, texture, and intensity. For instance, a subject with his Mercury in the 12th house does not necessarily indicate a compulsive liar. Instead, it certainly indicates a strategic thinker capable of getting out of most sticky situations because that is the quality of a survivor. He has to think his way around problems, even if it means he has to feign situations to produce desired responses from others that are to his advantage. In this context, becoming a liar is only an effect in the expression of his evolving probabilities, whereas if directed, this energy can enhance his negotiation skills in many areas.

What the counseling astrologer needs to do is to 'explain' the probabilities of this intrinsic 'property' and the various directions it can take, and to educate him into 'better managing' the likelihoods of that quality in him. Thus, he can utilize it beneficially, minus the guilt that he might otherwise build.

The counseling astrologer goes beyond the morals of mundane living to offer a unique perspective of the evolving spiritual being wearing a physical body in a material world to become spiritually responsible.
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