Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

It"s Not Even February and I Broke My New Year"s Resolutions!

It's not even February yet.
Imagine that.
I made a few Resolution for 2011 and this one of all the others did not go as planned.
Well, such is life.
Guess I will have to hope something good will come of it.
I am sure there are others out there who broke theirs too! Hope not though.
Especially if it was a good one like mine of coarse.
My new years resolution was to end a complicated what ever it was, "relationship".
I met this guy right, his name was Dave.
We are together for two years, three months.
He lied to me from the very start of the relationship.
He said he was single.
Guess what! He was married.
Yeah! This sucks, I know.
Then he admitted it one year later.
I really made a serious move to break this affair up.
But then, I fell in love with him.
Love! Being the person that I am, all so forgiving.
I listened and analyzed.
It wasn't the best choice though.
It happened that Dave was separated, but not divorced.
He lived in a different neighborhood and household.
Hope you can understand me.
I am only human.
I chose this new years resolution because I was not even sure what would come out of this relationship.
It seemed a little dis-functional.
He is going through his marital problems, not seeing each other often enough, most times not knowing what his is up to and so on, because of his job, children have him busy.
It was all too much.
Break through! Something happened.
He is getting a bit more open.
He trusts me with his secrets.
OMG! We are seeing each other more often than we used to.
My oh My, I know where he is most of the time.
Promises to help me out in my situation.
What's going on? All I know is, it feels all so good! Sometimes I feel like crying.
We are working on things.
That's a start right.
Just living for the moment right now and enjoying it.
His children needs him and I am his support.
I never asked to be in this situation.
I am so sorry that his marriage did not go so well.
I tried to encourage him to mend things, but the situation was already out of hand even before I met him, going through therapy and all.
If you love a man and decide to marry him, of course, you should know his weak points and habits before you married him.
If your husband is genuinely making an effort to mend things with you, don't push him away.
Embrace that moment.
After all you love him, don't you? Marriage is a commitment.
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