Is your goal to have six-pack abs? If so, then you will need to do two main types of exercises.
One involves ab-specific exercises, such as those requiring the Ab Circle.
Another important (and often overlooked) type of exercise that you should include in your workout regimen is cardiovascular exercises.
They will speed up the process of burning fat and building muscle, two goals of achieving six-pack abs.
But remember that a bad diet will never offset an effective workout program.
Depending on which health expert you talk to, about 75%-80% of weight-loss is related to your diet.
So if you want to maximize how fast you can achieve six-pack abs, then consider these helpful tips to help you reach your goal: 1.
Include a cheat meal or cheat day in your regimen Although the word "cheat" causes us to think of naughty lovers and taxpayers, it can actually be a good thing if you want to get six-pack abs.
Here is why.
You should still consume healthy foods and beverages about 95% of the time.
The problem with eating healthy food around the clock is that we tend to lose the sheer joy of eating.
Using "cheat meals" or "cheat days" not only allows you to enjoy those foods and beverages that you should not eat regularly, but also makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet regularly.
What is important when you "cheat" on your diet is to get back on track afterwards.
Confuse your body's metabolism One of the best ways to burn fat and achieve six-pack abs, is to confuse your body's metabolism.
One effective method is to use "intermittent fasting.
" This method requires you daily to alternate at least 18 hours of fasting, with up to six hours of feasting.
Yes, it is tough to go at least three-fourths of a day without eating.
But with some self-discipline and determination you can certainly do it successfully.
Another option is to change the foods that you eat during a single day.
You could eat a small or regular number of calories, strictly eat protein within a day, and so on.
This approach will confuse your body's metabolism, resulting in faster weight-loss and healthier abs.
Eat specific foods to increase your metabolism While exercising is one of the most obvious ways to give your metabolism a boost, you might be surprised at how many foods can have the same effect on your body.
Such foods include ones such as chili peppers, citrus fruits, oatmeal, onions, garlic, and (full-fat) dairy products.
Combining regular exercise and such foods will help to maximize how quickly you burn fat and build muscle.
Include simple carbohydrates in the morning Many fitness experts recommend that people not eat after 6:00 PM (with the exception of a light snack at least, an hour before bedtime).
After waking up, it is highly advisable to include simple carbohydrates (i.
dairy products and fruit) in your breakfast.
Such foods can be low in calories, yet quickly provide your body with the energy it needs for the day.
Exercising plus a healthy diet will help you achieve your goals in no time.
One involves ab-specific exercises, such as those requiring the Ab Circle.
Another important (and often overlooked) type of exercise that you should include in your workout regimen is cardiovascular exercises.
They will speed up the process of burning fat and building muscle, two goals of achieving six-pack abs.
But remember that a bad diet will never offset an effective workout program.
Depending on which health expert you talk to, about 75%-80% of weight-loss is related to your diet.
So if you want to maximize how fast you can achieve six-pack abs, then consider these helpful tips to help you reach your goal: 1.
Include a cheat meal or cheat day in your regimen Although the word "cheat" causes us to think of naughty lovers and taxpayers, it can actually be a good thing if you want to get six-pack abs.
Here is why.
You should still consume healthy foods and beverages about 95% of the time.
The problem with eating healthy food around the clock is that we tend to lose the sheer joy of eating.
Using "cheat meals" or "cheat days" not only allows you to enjoy those foods and beverages that you should not eat regularly, but also makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet regularly.
What is important when you "cheat" on your diet is to get back on track afterwards.
Confuse your body's metabolism One of the best ways to burn fat and achieve six-pack abs, is to confuse your body's metabolism.
One effective method is to use "intermittent fasting.
" This method requires you daily to alternate at least 18 hours of fasting, with up to six hours of feasting.
Yes, it is tough to go at least three-fourths of a day without eating.
But with some self-discipline and determination you can certainly do it successfully.
Another option is to change the foods that you eat during a single day.
You could eat a small or regular number of calories, strictly eat protein within a day, and so on.
This approach will confuse your body's metabolism, resulting in faster weight-loss and healthier abs.
Eat specific foods to increase your metabolism While exercising is one of the most obvious ways to give your metabolism a boost, you might be surprised at how many foods can have the same effect on your body.
Such foods include ones such as chili peppers, citrus fruits, oatmeal, onions, garlic, and (full-fat) dairy products.
Combining regular exercise and such foods will help to maximize how quickly you burn fat and build muscle.
Include simple carbohydrates in the morning Many fitness experts recommend that people not eat after 6:00 PM (with the exception of a light snack at least, an hour before bedtime).
After waking up, it is highly advisable to include simple carbohydrates (i.
dairy products and fruit) in your breakfast.
Such foods can be low in calories, yet quickly provide your body with the energy it needs for the day.
Exercising plus a healthy diet will help you achieve your goals in no time.