- 1). Stand the paper towel tube on a table. Place strips of duct tape across the top of the paper towel tube. Smooth the duct tape down with your fingers. Wrap duct tape around the length of the toilet paper tube from the top end to the bottom end. Smooth the duct tape down with your fingers.
- 2). Turn the paper towel tube over. Place a strip of duct tape around the outside outer rim of the hole. Smooth the duct tape down with your fingers.
- 3). Measure up four inches from the bottom of the paper towel tube with the ruler. Cut a hole in the paper towel tube at the four-inch mark with the blade of the utility knife. Rotate the paper towel tube 180 degrees. Cut a hole in the paper towel tube at the four-inch mark.
- 4). Drop an end of the spring into the top of the paper towel tube. Straighten out a paper clip. Place one end of the paper clip through one of the holes in the side of the tube closest to the bottom. Push the end of the paper clip through the spring inside of the paper towel tube and out the hole on the other side. Twist a “U” shape at each end of the paper clip with your fingers to prevent the paper clip from being able to slip back into the holes.
- 5). Apply bonding glue to the bottom of a foam dart. Place the bottom of the foam dart on the ping pong ball. Let the bonding glue set for an hour. Straighten out another paper clip.
- 6). Drop the “rocket” you have made, ping pong ball first, into the hole in the top of your rocket launcher. Insert the ruler into the hole at the top. Push the ping pong ball down toward the other end with the ruler.
- 7). Insert one end of the straightened paper clip into one of the free holes in your rocket launcher. Push the end of the paper clip out the hole on the other side of your rocket launcher. Remove the ruler.
- 8). Go outside. Aim the open end of your rocket launcher at a tree or rock. Pull out the paper clip to fire the rocket at the tree or rock.