Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Guide to Taking Fun and Creative Pictures

Photography can be a fun and rewarding hobby for everyone in the family.
You do not need to be a professional photographer to make memories with you camera.
Here is a guide to help you take more rewarding and creative pictures: 1.
Move in closer to your subject to show more details and create pictures with great impact.
Go eye to eye and get down to the subjects level.
Interesting shot scan also be taken by laying on the ground and looking up.
Take several pictures quickly to get at least one picture you want.
Take lots of pictures to increase your chance of capturing just the right moment.
You can always delete pictures later.
Compose picture by using a plain background or cropping out items you do not want in the picture.
Experiment with framing your subject in interesting ways.
Move items or people from the middle of the picture.
Try moving in or out to get the best composition for your picture.
Move subject around creatively for an interesting composition then take picture.
Focus on your subject and less on background items.
If you want a picture of a larger area move back so all is in focus.
Look at the light and see how it is affecting your picture.
Different times of day will affect your pictures.
Also know your flash range and use the flash for outdoor pictures.
Bright light behind your subject will put your subject in the shadows and details will become obscure.
Keep your picture simple.
Sometimes too much in a picture will make it cluttered and will take away from the focus of your picture.
Be Bold and experiment taking a variety of pictures.
You can never take too many pictures and with digital cameras you have inexpensive ways to store your pictures.
Experiment by taking vertical pictures to show different views of the subject.
Direct how you want your picture to look by placing objects and people where you want them in your picture.
When photographing children be patient and wait and once the moment arrives, take picture(s) quickly.
Take spontaneous pictures of kids, family, friends and pets.
They do not always have to be posed pictures.
Take a variety of pictures of everyday life.
Includes your kids friends so kids can look back on photos and remember occasions and people..
Lock the focus.
Most auto-focus cameras focus on the area in the center of the viewfinder causing surrounding subjects to be blurry.
To solve this problem focus on the subject in the center of the viewfinder then press the shutter button down halfway.
Hold the button down while you position your subject in the viewfinder then press the button all the way down to take your picture.
When taking pictures of animals or your pets be patient and your voice calm.
Try to take pictures during natural activities rather than directing your pet.
Use props to direct your pets attention.
Get down on your pets level to create warm and intimate pictures.
Take spontaneous pictures by having your camera pointed in the direction of the activity so you will be ready to snap the picture at the right moment.
Be invisible and try to fit in your environment so as not to intimidate your subjects.
When taking nature pictures look for an interesting combination of color, light, shadow and texture.
Morning light gives you warmer, yellow colors and late afternoon, or evening light provides colors with more red tints.
Block direct sunlight by standing in shade or by shading your camera with your hand.
This will prevent flare on your image.
17, Look at life through new angles.
Look up, look down, look all around you and take wide angles and close ups to show new perspectives.
Capture the whole view of a landscape using panoramic view.
Also take several pictures of a view by turning in a circle and capturing all parts of the landscape.
Using a Photoshop program these can be combined into one large panoramic picture.
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