- Irish soda bread dates back to 1840 when sodium bicarbonate was introduced to Ireland. This meant that those who did not have ovens could still make bread, because Irish soda bread then was made in a pot set onto coals.
- The ingredients of the traditional bread are flour, sodium bicarbonate, salt and buttermilk. The Irish like to add other ingredients such as eggs, raisins and some form of nut.
- Traditional Irish soda bread is made in a cast iron skillet. Prior to cooking a cross is cut on the top to allow the heat to penetrate through the thickest part of the bread.
- Catholics believe that the cross was placed on the top of the bread for luck and to ward off the devil and not for scientific purposes of heat distribution.
- Irish soda bread is not a loaf of bread, but rather it is round bread that is the size of a skillet or frying pan.