Health & Medical Diabetes

Is Diabetes A Life Sentence?

No, diabetes is not a life sentence anymore.
You will be happy to know that many people are now living symptom free after discovering and following natural alternative solutions to help their bodies.
So many of my friends, when they were first told they had Diabetes, were filled with anxiety because they knew so little about the illness, and they were afraid they might have to give up sweets for the rest of their lives.
This is simply not true.
In fact, I felt the same way myself.
I thought it would be almost impossible for me to live without sweets, but it is no longer necessary to go without sweets!Of course, everyone is healthier if they limit refined sugar and starches (which also quickly turn into sugar in the body), and substitute dates, raisins, and other fruits to satisfy their craving for sweets.
One alternative doctor calls white sugar and white flour, "dangerous white stuff".
What is Diabetes?Diabetes is a condition where for one of two reasons our cells do not receive the required glucose (or blood sugar) that they need to function normally.
There are two types of Diabetes, but both usually have some or all of the same symptoms.
These symptoms include excessive thirst, excessive need to urinate, unexplained weight loss & fainting.
What causes Diabetes?In our bodies, the food we eat starts to digest in our mouths and then it passes into our stomachs and on through our systems.
As it is digested, all food eventually becomes glucose, which is food for the cells throughout the body.
When the food travels through the small intestine, the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin.
This enzyme is needed to prepare the cells to absorb the glucose, or blood sugar.
However, when the necessary insulin is not there, the blood sugar is unable to enter the cells and become food for those cells.
So instead of giving the person energy, the glucose is either deposited as fat, or it remains in the blood and when there is too much unabsorbed glucose in the blood it will cause a person to go into a life-threatening coma.
In Type1 Diabetes, the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin.
It is sometimes called Juvenile Diabetes because it usually develops before the age of 30.
As insulin is necessary for life, it must then be given from outside the body, usually by injection.
The person with Type1 Diabetes needs to monitor his or her blood sugar regularly with a glucose monitor, and insulin is prescribed according to the need.
Type1 Diabetes may be brought on by an infection or by medications used to treat infections, which cause the body to produce antibodies that destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
In Type2 Diabetes, although the characteristics are the same, the sickness is very different.
In this case, the pancreas produces plenty of insulin, but the body has developed "insulin resistance".
This means that the insulin no longer binds with the receptor of the cell to work like a key to open the cell door and allow the blood sugar (glucose) in.
Then the pancreas sends out more insulin because the cells are hungry and if this condition is not addressed, the pancreas may eventually become unable to produce insulin and the person develops Type1 Diabetes.
Can Insulin Resistance be Cured?This disease is found predominately in the United States and mostly among those who are very much overweight and who exercise very little.
Researchers have found that this condition is aggravated by a low fat diet (which has been promoted in the United States for the past two decades).
Clinical studies have proven this fact, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that eating a high fat diet leads to obesity.
1 Also, in the United States, while the fat consumption has decreased measurably, table sugar consumption has risen to an average of 150 pounds per person per year, which equals about ½ pound of sugar/per person every day.
2 Though most people do not add that amount to the food that they prepare.
Most of the ready prepared food from the fast food restaurants and the packaged foods in the grocery stores contain some form of sugar or food starch.
This makes the body work very hard trying to get energy from it.
Refined sugar contains no food value or fiber (which slows sugar's passage through the digestive system and helps regulate its absorption).
Therefore it requires much insulin to try to regulate the amount that quickly enters the blood.
When sugar is in its natural form in fruits and vegetables the body must break down the fiber to get to the sugar.
In countries where the people eat more healthy fat (e.
olive oil, butter, flax oil) the fats are about 40% of their total food intake.
3They also have much less craving for refined sugar and starches with the result being that diabetes is far more rare, and the incidence of heart disease is one of the lowest in Europe.
Because high fructose corn syrup is cheap, it is one of the most popular and dangerous sugars added to our processed foods.
"In the early 1900s the FDA tried to ban corn syrup because it was the only sweetener that caused Diabetes is animals.
" 4 Sugar goes by many names including: sucrose, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, and malto-dextrose, so it is difficult to find the total amount in the food we eat How can Insulin Resistance and Diabetes be cured?Alternative doctors have found that by altering your diet and exercise regimen, Diabetes 2 and Insulin Resistance and sometimes Diabetes 1 may be reversed.
This would include but not be limited to eating: fresh fruits, fresh or steamed vegetables (not boiled or fried), whole grain breads, a moderate amount of lean meat, eggs, cheeses and proper whole food supplements.
They have also found that cinnamon and tumeric are natural substances that help the body to regulate its blood sugar.
They recommend a moderate amount of serious exercise, preferably with some weight lifting(e.
The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution, by Fred Hahn and Dr.
Michael Eades, M.
and Mary Dan Eades) .
5 For an alternative to sugary snacks, try fresh or dried fruit or delicious raw food energy bars.
These bars have no added sugar or preservatives, and contain all the natural enzymes and other ingredients that help to promote excellent health.
They also have a moist, chewy, real food texture and taste, and a high fiber content.
It has been predicted that most seniors will develop Diabetes if they live long enough and eat an average American diet.
This is unnecessary!The sad fact is that Diabetes, if not curbed, often leads to heart, kidney, eye and other serious problems.
That may be one reason for the well known quote,"Life should be easier after 50 because it is all downhill.
"This downhill expectancy can be prevented, and the golden years can truly be enjoyed.
I am trusting that someone has been encouraged to have hope and take positive steps to either prevent or reverse diabetes after reading this report.
If your doctor is unfamiliar with the latest alternative solutions, discussing your case with a doctor who combines alternative and orthodox medicine may help you.
Footnotes: 1.
The Healing Heart Program - by Bruce West, M.
- Health Alert, Monterey, CA2004p.
3 2.
The Protein Power Life Plan - by Michael Eades, M.
& Dr.
Mary Dan Eades, M.
153 Warner Books, NY 2000p.
153 3.
Sugar Busters - by H.
Leighton Steward,Morrison C.
Bethea, M.
Sam S.
Andrews, M.
and Luis A.
Balart, M.
35 Ballantine Books, NY 1998p.
84 4.
The Healing Heart Program - IBIDp.
27 5.
Cures - by Bruce West, M.
Health Alert, Monterey, CA 2004 p.
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