Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How Can I Get My Wife Back - 5 Tips To Help A Man In Getting His Ex Wife Back

If the divorce was not painful enough, and I am sure it was, now your pain is the feeling that it was all a big mistake. how can I get my wife back and undo this mess; put the marriage back together? This is a common feeling among men who come to realize that they are still in love and want their ex wife back.

Maybe you are the one who initially filed for divorce, maybe it was your ex. That does not necessarily matter unless she never wanted it. But I presume she is not exactly calling you to get back together after the divorce or you likely would not be reading this.

In any marriage tempers can flare and people act rashly, saying things they do not mean and later come to regret. Sometimes people start the divorce process without really thinking things through and do not stop it out of pride or the feeling of making another mistake.

Enough preamble, let us get to some tips for you to take advantage of right now:

First, ask yourself why you want to get your wife back. Before you find out how can I get my wife back, you really need to know that this is the right step for you. Make sure that you are really in love with your ex wife still and not just lonely now that you are on your own.

Is your ex already seeing someone else; is that making you jealous? Do you just miss having the kids living with you? These are not reasons to get back together with your ex wife, they are issues to learn to deal with.

Second, do not rush to get her back. Once you decide you are still in love and really do need her back, then take it slowly and do not jump on the phone or go to see her all the time. Let things settle a bit for both of your benefit.

Evaluate what you may have done wrong in the marriage and see if there are things for you to be working on in yourself before you are ready to try to win back your ex wife. Make sure you are at the top of your game before you start.

Third, keep your thoughts to yourself around your kids. If you have children then do not let them know that you are thinking about trying to get back together with mom. You do not want to give them any false hope and you do not want them tipping your hand to her.

Fourth, do not use the kids. Some people use the children in a divorce situation as an "asset" to manipulate others and benefit themselves. This can have terrible consequences for the children long term.

Be the best dad you can be and let your actions speak for themselves that way. Live up to your promises and responsibilities with them. Tell them you love them and miss having them around but in no way assign blame on anyone for circumstances being what they are.

Fifth, go slow once you do start "courting" her again. Do not take any indications of interest from her as a signal for full speed ahead. She may be enjoying a little bit of her new found freedom and may just need to catch her breath a bit.

Do what you can to make her life easier and she will see for herself how important you are in her life. Treat her with more courtesy and respect than ever before and plan on treating her that way for the rest of your lives, not just until she says "I do" again.

A man looking for ways how to get his wife back needs to realize that she is on her own timetable and not yours. If you rush her in any way you might just scare her off with the thought that you are just trying to control her. Easy does it.

These tips are a great start to answer how can I get my wife back, and you can start using them right now.

Nevertheless it is a long road and you have just started down it. Find out what to do next at
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