Penis size and enlargement is a very controversial issue and there are a lot of arguments and discussions about it.
It is very hard to get a clear answer to these questions.
Most people say that size does not matter and that penis enlargement is impossible.
But is it really true? Men have tried to make their manhood bigger for ages and have all of them failed? I think some so called experts don't understand, what kind of a psychological effect a small penis size has on men.
When your manhood is less than 5 inches long and all your friends have a much bigger manhood, then it lowers your self-confidence.
Instead of looking forward to sexual encounters, you start to shy away from them.
It is also a fact that 67% of women have admitted that they are not happy with their partners penis size.
If you have a below average or average penis size, then why shouldn't you try to make it bigger.
There is nothing wrong with that.
The only question is, how do you do it? The truth is that practically all of the methods, like pumps, pill, creams, weights and surgery are either very ineffective, dangerous, expensive or all of those things.
But there is one method that has actually been to work by medical research.
And that method is penis enlargement exercises.
It is the most logical option there is and it works incredible well.
These exercise programs are very safe and simple, because they only involve stretching and massaging of your organ.
Your penis is composed of three main chambers, one of which is designed for urination and ejaculation and two others, are designed to hold blood during an erection.
The more blood these chamber are able to hold, the larger your manhood is.
What these exercises do, is stretch the tissue of the chambers, and when this happens bigger and stronger cells replace the older and smaller once.
Of course you can`t notice differences right away, but after a few weeks of regular exercise, you can already notice differences.
The fact is that when you apply external stimulus to your penis, then it has to respond.
A lot of the people, who say that penis enlargement is impossible and size is a none issue, haven't done their research.
When you have a 4 inch penis and through regular exercise you are able to add 2 inches to your manhood, then that will only be beneficial.
It is very hard to get a clear answer to these questions.
Most people say that size does not matter and that penis enlargement is impossible.
But is it really true? Men have tried to make their manhood bigger for ages and have all of them failed? I think some so called experts don't understand, what kind of a psychological effect a small penis size has on men.
When your manhood is less than 5 inches long and all your friends have a much bigger manhood, then it lowers your self-confidence.
Instead of looking forward to sexual encounters, you start to shy away from them.
It is also a fact that 67% of women have admitted that they are not happy with their partners penis size.
If you have a below average or average penis size, then why shouldn't you try to make it bigger.
There is nothing wrong with that.
The only question is, how do you do it? The truth is that practically all of the methods, like pumps, pill, creams, weights and surgery are either very ineffective, dangerous, expensive or all of those things.
But there is one method that has actually been to work by medical research.
And that method is penis enlargement exercises.
It is the most logical option there is and it works incredible well.
These exercise programs are very safe and simple, because they only involve stretching and massaging of your organ.
Your penis is composed of three main chambers, one of which is designed for urination and ejaculation and two others, are designed to hold blood during an erection.
The more blood these chamber are able to hold, the larger your manhood is.
What these exercises do, is stretch the tissue of the chambers, and when this happens bigger and stronger cells replace the older and smaller once.
Of course you can`t notice differences right away, but after a few weeks of regular exercise, you can already notice differences.
The fact is that when you apply external stimulus to your penis, then it has to respond.
A lot of the people, who say that penis enlargement is impossible and size is a none issue, haven't done their research.
When you have a 4 inch penis and through regular exercise you are able to add 2 inches to your manhood, then that will only be beneficial.