If you have seven different colored marbles placed inside of a box, what are your chances of picking the colored marble you desire? One out of seven right? Now let's say you only have three marbles this time, what would the chances be of picking your desired colored marble? The obvious answer is one out of three.
So then what does this have to do with marketing or success? The law of probability in regards to marketing and success states "the more times you attempt to accomplish a set task or goal, the more likely you are to achieve.
" The law of probability also says "the more potential variables you include, the lower your chances will be for your desired result to happen.
" There was a study done on a group of young self-made millionaires.
The question was asked, "How many times did you attempt to become successful before you actually achieved it?" The answers for some were shocking.
The average of these self-made millionaires who started and failed in running their own business was seventeen times.
Proving the more times you go up "to bat" the greater your chances are to succeed.
The second half of the law of probability mentions the more variables you include, the lower your chances will be for your desired outcome.
Eliminating possible variables includes proper planning.
By planning properly and removing many unpredictable and unwanted variables, the law of probability will work more in your favor by simply having less possible outcomes.
Creating the law of probability to work in your favor at a greater amount.
The last segment of this post needs to include the importance of consistency.
In order to utilize the full potential of the law of probability you need to be consistent.
Just as with the marbles, if you only have three marbles to choose from, you know that at the very least you will get the colored marble you desire on your third attempt.
Remember: 1.
The more times you attempt, the more likely you are to achieve.
Proper planning helps to eliminate unpredicted and undesired variables.
Be consistent.
So then what does this have to do with marketing or success? The law of probability in regards to marketing and success states "the more times you attempt to accomplish a set task or goal, the more likely you are to achieve.
" The law of probability also says "the more potential variables you include, the lower your chances will be for your desired result to happen.
" There was a study done on a group of young self-made millionaires.
The question was asked, "How many times did you attempt to become successful before you actually achieved it?" The answers for some were shocking.
The average of these self-made millionaires who started and failed in running their own business was seventeen times.
Proving the more times you go up "to bat" the greater your chances are to succeed.
The second half of the law of probability mentions the more variables you include, the lower your chances will be for your desired outcome.
Eliminating possible variables includes proper planning.
By planning properly and removing many unpredictable and unwanted variables, the law of probability will work more in your favor by simply having less possible outcomes.
Creating the law of probability to work in your favor at a greater amount.
The last segment of this post needs to include the importance of consistency.
In order to utilize the full potential of the law of probability you need to be consistent.
Just as with the marbles, if you only have three marbles to choose from, you know that at the very least you will get the colored marble you desire on your third attempt.
Remember: 1.
The more times you attempt, the more likely you are to achieve.
Proper planning helps to eliminate unpredicted and undesired variables.
Be consistent.