- 1). Lay the watermelon lengthwise, with the ends facing away from you. Using the butcher knife, cut the watermelon in half.
- 2
This is what your slice should look like.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
On either half of the watermelon, cut a slice, about 2 inches from the cut you just made. You should have a perfectly round slice of watermelon that is about 2 inches thick.
Place plastic wrap over the cut ends of the two halves of watermelon, and store these in the refrigerator. - 3). Lay the slice flat on the cutting board. There will be be the red meat of the watermelon in the center, which will fade to pink at the edge where the rind begins. On the outside will be the green skin. Cut around the inside of the rind, where the meat starts to turn pink, in a circle. Lift the rind up, leaving behind the meat of the melon. Store the meat inside the large zip-top bag.
- 4). Using the permanent marker, draw the shape of your crown on the outer green skin. This can be as simple or complex a crown as your abilities allow.
- 5). Use the carving knife to cut the melon, following the lines you've created with the permanent marker. Throw away the small pieces you cut away.