How much did you spend on vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements? The average person spends over $275 each year.
Did I say average? Well, for the enthusiastic person who buys different vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, this can range in the thousands! Why do we spend so much on vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements? Because we keep hearing that we need them.
We're bombarded by ads selling us the chance to look like a fitness queen or feel like a champion.
Companies make billions in supplement sales using actors to promote products they don't use, and contracting the images of athletes who can barely walk down supplement aisles for fear of failing a drug screening.
This only works because of one thing: we all want to look and feel better! So, why not take vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, just in case? Well, since they are relative to science, so--too--is your body.
Your body is a specimen and laboratory while you are the scientist.
Thus, you should understand that having your own molecular print means you are different from everyone else.
Sure, we have similar traits as well as hereditary traits, but there is no one like you.
Therefore, what is a deficiency in one person isn't the case for another.
That's especially the case when dealing with your body and its nutritional blueprint and requirements.
So, these are the steps you should take when investigating taking vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.
First, ask yourself, "Why do I feel I need this vitamin?" Is it energy? Joint pain? Endurance? Sexual vitality? Focus? Memory? Flexibility? Strength? Each posses their own trait and are unique to certain deficiencies in your body or elements of your life such as environment or situations.
You must diagnose the issue first, then look at external circumstances which may cause issues.
Then you can get into internal reasons, be they vitamin or mineral deficiency, and this should be discussed with a reputable licensed nutritionist and/or your doctor.
Trust me, ruling out a bunch of stuff you get in your daily food consumption will easily prove your trip to the nutritionist/doctor (well versed in nutrition) as a great investment and save you thousands! Second, ask yourself, "Who do I trust to know me better than Me?" Knowing yourself is key.
You know your birthday, your anniversary (you better!), your weight, your blood type--you do know your blood type--don't cha? Do you know your LDL/HDL and protein levels? Your resting heart rate? Have you checked your vision, your hearing, your blood pressure? But of course you know your weight without even looking--don't cha? Let's not stop there--do you know your license plate number...
uhm can't remember that one either? Do you know what you ate last night and how it affected you today? Do you know how much water you drank and what should you eat before you workout later that won't upset your stomach? This is fun! Okay, do you know your license plate number...
uhm can't remember that one either? Your driver's license number? Your best friend's number (without looking at your cell phone)? Okay, I'm done teasing you.
Yes, we study everything else but we really don't take the time to study ourselves and the truly important information crucial to our health and well-being.
Unfortunately, most of us only learn about ourselves when our body suffers and we are thrust into the hands of a medical staff.
You must learn all that makes you function optimally and what inhibits your wellness.
You should have a manual of You.
In this book on You are many things such as how certain foods affect you, how certain times of the day affect you, how certain smells affect you, etc.
Things like, when you seem to crave certain items and why you seem to doze off at 2:30 in the afternoon or while you're watching your favorite prime-time show.
Let's not forget understanding the alkalinity in your urine and the frequency/shape/floatation of yes...
your bowel movements.
I know I know TMI! But all crucial to you knowing You.
When you know You, you will be able to supply yourself with the best nutritional strategy in the world.
You will know what you should eat and when you should eat it.
You will discover that most of your nutrition will come from what you consume and your environment (such as Vitamin D from the sun).
When you know You, you won't waste thousands of dollars on useless vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements reported to have no bearing on your wellness.
Vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement companies are making billions off consumers like you who don't take the time to investigate who themselves.
Reports say over 30% of the billions Americans shell out for vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements goes for stuff that have no scientifically proven health value! Another 30 some odd percent is spent on stuff with little or no potency by the time it is purchased, not to mention all the additives that dilute products merely to boost prices.
I've read reports where more than 85% of the products sold by health stores were questionable.
Medical experts today say basically we need four supplements Calcium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and a multi-vitamin (of course this refutes their claim that we only need four supplements if they're also saying we need a multi-vitamin! This shows you that even the medical experts need to cover their butts.
See--they too--apply the just in case clause! And the only true way for you to know is to investigate yourselves, calculate any deficiency and find targeted ways of supplementation.
So, basically, throw away ALL the expired vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.
Journal your positive traits and your negative traits and begin to assess both what makes you positive in one area and negative in another.
Then, your Sherlock Holmes deducing skills will come in play as you investigate this science of You.
Invest a few bucks on a reputable nutritionist, as well as a thorough check-up so you will have the necessary inner map to guide you! Finally, create a manual on You which will guide you on your dietary menu and supplement needs, etc.
saving you thousands that you can apply to a yearly trip or whatever else your heart desires!
Did I say average? Well, for the enthusiastic person who buys different vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, this can range in the thousands! Why do we spend so much on vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements? Because we keep hearing that we need them.
We're bombarded by ads selling us the chance to look like a fitness queen or feel like a champion.
Companies make billions in supplement sales using actors to promote products they don't use, and contracting the images of athletes who can barely walk down supplement aisles for fear of failing a drug screening.
This only works because of one thing: we all want to look and feel better! So, why not take vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, just in case? Well, since they are relative to science, so--too--is your body.
Your body is a specimen and laboratory while you are the scientist.
Thus, you should understand that having your own molecular print means you are different from everyone else.
Sure, we have similar traits as well as hereditary traits, but there is no one like you.
Therefore, what is a deficiency in one person isn't the case for another.
That's especially the case when dealing with your body and its nutritional blueprint and requirements.
So, these are the steps you should take when investigating taking vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.
First, ask yourself, "Why do I feel I need this vitamin?" Is it energy? Joint pain? Endurance? Sexual vitality? Focus? Memory? Flexibility? Strength? Each posses their own trait and are unique to certain deficiencies in your body or elements of your life such as environment or situations.
You must diagnose the issue first, then look at external circumstances which may cause issues.
Then you can get into internal reasons, be they vitamin or mineral deficiency, and this should be discussed with a reputable licensed nutritionist and/or your doctor.
Trust me, ruling out a bunch of stuff you get in your daily food consumption will easily prove your trip to the nutritionist/doctor (well versed in nutrition) as a great investment and save you thousands! Second, ask yourself, "Who do I trust to know me better than Me?" Knowing yourself is key.
You know your birthday, your anniversary (you better!), your weight, your blood type--you do know your blood type--don't cha? Do you know your LDL/HDL and protein levels? Your resting heart rate? Have you checked your vision, your hearing, your blood pressure? But of course you know your weight without even looking--don't cha? Let's not stop there--do you know your license plate number...
uhm can't remember that one either? Do you know what you ate last night and how it affected you today? Do you know how much water you drank and what should you eat before you workout later that won't upset your stomach? This is fun! Okay, do you know your license plate number...
uhm can't remember that one either? Your driver's license number? Your best friend's number (without looking at your cell phone)? Okay, I'm done teasing you.
Yes, we study everything else but we really don't take the time to study ourselves and the truly important information crucial to our health and well-being.
Unfortunately, most of us only learn about ourselves when our body suffers and we are thrust into the hands of a medical staff.
You must learn all that makes you function optimally and what inhibits your wellness.
You should have a manual of You.
In this book on You are many things such as how certain foods affect you, how certain times of the day affect you, how certain smells affect you, etc.
Things like, when you seem to crave certain items and why you seem to doze off at 2:30 in the afternoon or while you're watching your favorite prime-time show.
Let's not forget understanding the alkalinity in your urine and the frequency/shape/floatation of yes...
your bowel movements.
I know I know TMI! But all crucial to you knowing You.
When you know You, you will be able to supply yourself with the best nutritional strategy in the world.
You will know what you should eat and when you should eat it.
You will discover that most of your nutrition will come from what you consume and your environment (such as Vitamin D from the sun).
When you know You, you won't waste thousands of dollars on useless vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements reported to have no bearing on your wellness.
Vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement companies are making billions off consumers like you who don't take the time to investigate who themselves.
Reports say over 30% of the billions Americans shell out for vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements goes for stuff that have no scientifically proven health value! Another 30 some odd percent is spent on stuff with little or no potency by the time it is purchased, not to mention all the additives that dilute products merely to boost prices.
I've read reports where more than 85% of the products sold by health stores were questionable.
Medical experts today say basically we need four supplements Calcium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and a multi-vitamin (of course this refutes their claim that we only need four supplements if they're also saying we need a multi-vitamin! This shows you that even the medical experts need to cover their butts.
See--they too--apply the just in case clause! And the only true way for you to know is to investigate yourselves, calculate any deficiency and find targeted ways of supplementation.
So, basically, throw away ALL the expired vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.
Journal your positive traits and your negative traits and begin to assess both what makes you positive in one area and negative in another.
Then, your Sherlock Holmes deducing skills will come in play as you investigate this science of You.
Invest a few bucks on a reputable nutritionist, as well as a thorough check-up so you will have the necessary inner map to guide you! Finally, create a manual on You which will guide you on your dietary menu and supplement needs, etc.
saving you thousands that you can apply to a yearly trip or whatever else your heart desires!