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Kate Beckinsale's list of upcoming projects doesn't include a role in any more Underworld movies, at least not in the foreseeable future. Asked if she’d be up to slipping back into the skintight black leather pants to play Selene once more, Beckinsale replied, “I think what I'd really like, just for women in general, is I'd like to do a Bruce Willis and get to 50 and then do that, but I don't think anyone wants to see my 50-year-old ass.
We'll see.”
And what of those rumors of a cameo in the prequel? “They're shooting it right now. It's in New Zealand so probably not. But it's a family movie,” said Beckinsale. “My daughter's dad is the lead and my husband's producing it so I feel like we've got the family franchise going.”
Her daughter’s father is actor Michael Sheen (‘Tony Blair’ in The Queen) and her husband is writer/director/producer Len Wiseman, the guy behind the Underworld film franchise. It’s definitely unusual that everyone gets along so well, and Beckinsale knows she’s lucky. As for how she did it, Beckinsale said, “I think because I pick great guys. I love Michael. Michael's fantastic. It shouldn't necessarily have gone on and on forever with us, but he is one of my absolutely favorite people ever. I think we both felt that it was really important for Lily, our daughter, to have everybody coming from the same place. He loves her and I love her and Len loves her. Everyone's nice. The guys both get along. I do feel like that's my major achievement of the last decade that my daughter is totally unscathed and great.
I am proud of that.”