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Launch Barnes & Noble e reader software by taping the button in the lower right hand corner of the navigation bar. This will open a window snippet where you can enter your login name and password information. Press go and your online library will be accessible for your viewing. Browse your online library and choose your book from the listing of available book by tabbing and downloading on to your device for viewing. - 2
The Nook e reader can hold 1,500 books at one time that more than any home library can hold at one time. The display screen is easy on the eyes download e books in seconds. Some of the features you can apply are marking your pages, book marking, making notes, look up words, and highlighting passages of important just tab and drag. - 3
When you finish reading your e book you can swap it with a friends or network the eBooks in your book club. It has a full color touch screen so you can navigate it in full color instead of black and white.