Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Winners Attitude - How to Develop the Attitude of Champions!

Your attitude is incredibly important.
It can be the determining factor as to whether or not you fail or succeed in sports and in life.
A positive attitude will propel you to success while a negative attitude will cause you to crash and burn.
Here's another way to view your attitude.
Picture an apple seed.
Imagine yourself taking the seed out of an apple and planting it in the ground.
What type of plant do you think will grow out of that seed? Will a good apple seed planted in the ground produce a bad thorn bush? No way.
A good apple seed will produce good apple trees.
It can only produce more good apples.
Bad thorn seeds however can NOT produce good apples.
They can only produce more bad thorn bushes.
Your attitude affects those around you.
The closer the people are to you the more your attitude affects them.
Your coach and team mates are very close to you.
You spend hours together each week working hard towards the same goal.
In these situations, attitudes are like the flu, they are very contagious.
If one person on the team has a bad attitude, it will quickly spread to other people on the team and before you know it, the team get's 'sick' and starts to break down.
However, a good attitude is just as contagious.
Responding positively to the things that happen around you will cause other people to respond positively as well.
So work hard on developing the positive attitudes listed above.
If you focus on having a good attitude, you're team will grow closer together.
You will be in control of your life rather than feeling like you're a victim of all the bad things that happen to you.
And more good things will begin to happen all around you.
Here's a list of positive attitudes we've identified that you want to incorporate into your life: · Teachable · Optimistic · Encouraging · Hard working · Perseverance · Know you're going to win · Having a 'I can do anything I set my mind to' mentality · Thinking 'I may not be as big or as fast as them but I can outsmart them' Here's a list of negative attitudes that you want to stay away from: · Know it all · Pessimistic · Lazy · Quitter · Expect to lose · I can't do anything right · I suck · I'm dumb · That ref sucks Attitudes are just like this.
Good attitudes will produce more good and bad attitudes will produce more bad.
In fact they can only reproduce themselves; the good will result in more good and the bad will result in more bad.
Think about this: A bad attitude will NEVER produce good results.
It will always produce bad results.
We all like to experience the good things in life.
We enjoy hearing praise for our accomplishments, seeing people happy, and feeling the energy of excited people.
Your attitude will determine what kind of life you experience.
If you want more good things to happen in your life you need to plant the seed of having a good attitude.
The good news is this: WE CAN CHOOSE OUR ATTITUDES! You get to decide whether or not you are happy, positive, optimistic, excited, and upbeat or whether you are sad, depressed, angry and miserable.
No one has control of your attitude except you.
You are completely responsible for it.
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