Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Enlargement Exercises - The Beginner"s Guide to Getting Bigger

Many articles exist today online that praise penis enlargement exercises as an effective method for getting bigger, but very few explain correctly why the exercises work, let alone what you actually need to do to get started.
Well, in in this article I'm going to do just that, so that by the end of it you'll be able to conduct a basic routine and know why and how it works! Let's get started.
First of all, here's why these exercises work: Basically, penis enlargement exercises use specific motions that move blood through a semi-erect penis to put pressure and stress on the inner penile tissues, blood holding chambers known as the corpus cavernosa.
When micro-tears occur in these tissues, your body signals the brain which in turn regrows the tissues slightly larger than before, in an attempt to cope with the new stress.
As this process is repeated over time, the penis becomes larger and larger with each new (and painless) healing.
However, that information isn't really of much use to you if you don't know how to do the exercises now is it? Beginner's Workout Step 1: Prepare your penis and warm up by wrapping a warm, wet towel around your penis, which should increase blood flow and start to engorge the penis.
You want to get to about 60-70% of a full erection, so that your penis is easy to work with but not so hard your can't squeeze it properly for the exercises.
Finish your warm up by applying a lubricant to the penis.
Step 2: Kegels are on of the easiest and oldest exercises in the book, but they're worth doing especially in the beginning.
Basically, all a kegel involves is flexing the muscle at the base of your penis, causing it to "hop" upward, hold this for 5 seconds (or as long as you can) and then relax.
You basically want to do five sets of five kegel holds.
These are very important not only because the muscle involved helps with orgasm control and lasting longer in bed, but because kegels increase blood flow to the penis and make increasing your length and girth with the other exercises much easier.
Step 3: Horizontal motion is the second exercise to a newbie workout.
While you may have heard of jelqing, which involves a milking motion, horizontal motion is a modification on this technique that I personally have found to be more effective.
Basically, you're going to make a ring with your thumb and forefinger, do this on each hand.
Now, place one of these rings around the base of your penis and squeeze lightly until you can feel your penis fill up a bit.
Next, take your other hand and place the ring you've made around the tip of your penis.
Finally, while keeping the hand at the base of your penis in place, slowly move your "tip hand" down the shaft of your penis, squeezing firmly all the way, until it meets your base hand, then move it in the same way back to the tip (its starting position).
For horizontal motion, you'll want to do five sets of 10 motions each, with a short rest between each set.
As you get used to exercising, you can increase the reps as necessary, but do so slowly and always be safe, there's no need to rush! Step 4: Step four the newbie workout is to stay dedicated.
Goals are important so be sure to measure and record your progress, over time, you'll undoubtedly see growth you can be proud of.
The key to effective enlargement with exercises is dedication, and I'm sure you'll find that with a little bit of effort directly working towards your own growth can be rewarding indeed!
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