Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Check for a Felony Warrant

How to Check for a Felony Warrant

In criminal law, a felony is the most serious category of crime. Generally speaking, the punishment for a felony crime is incarceration in prison for more than one year or death. A court issues a felony warrant after a law enforcement officer presents the court with a sworn affidavit alleging that t

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Does One Resign As Trustee of a Living Trust?

How Does One Resign As Trustee of a Living Trust?

Living wills and trusts are a very popular way for people to organize the way their estate will be handled when they pass away. They usually state very clearly each and every condition and person who is to benefit at what time (e.g. when a spouse dies, the trust goes to the living spouse who may ch

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Wealth Preservation Trust for Asset Protection

A Wealth Preservation Trust for Asset Protection

Lawsuit Protection, Tax-Efficiency and Estate Planning can go hand-in-hand with a properly-drafted Wealth Preservation Trust. Used alone, it can save taxes and provide for estate planning. Used together with inter-active integrated planning, it can do far more.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Loaning Money to Your Children is Suddenly a Wise Investment

Loaning Money to Your Children is Suddenly a Wise Investment

2011 federal law taxes estates exceeding $1 million for an individual or $2 million for a married couple at as much as 55 percent. Any gift to an individual of more than $13,000 in any given year may also be taxed as much as 45 percent with the exception of a $1 million lifetime exclusion per donor.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How a Fixed Annuity Works

How a Fixed Annuity Works

Firstly you need to understand exactly what the term 'fixed annuities' means. In basic terms they can be considered to be a contract between you and an insurance company. You essentially entrust them with your money to look after and they agree to give you a financial return on your initia

Law & Legal & Attorney: Buy a Property in France and Make Instant Returns on Your Investment

Buy a Property in France and Make Instant Returns on Your Investment

When it comes to investment, people try as many tricks they find up their sleeve. Some of them work, while some others don't. One of the smartest, if not the best ways to make high returns is to invest in property. And if the property is available for cheap and offers good returns, why ever not

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Copyright Holders

How to Find Copyright Holders

A creative work, whether it's a story, music, artwork, or other type of intellectual property, is protected by copyright from the moment of creation. Although not required by law, a copyright holder can register his work with the U.S. Copyright Office. Anyone wishing to use copyrighted material for

Law & Legal & Attorney: Advance Inheritance - How to Obtain Cash For Inheritance Held in Probate

Advance Inheritance - How to Obtain Cash For Inheritance Held in Probate

Advance inheritance is a term used by cash lenders and private investors who provide funds to beneficiaries of an estate held in probate. When a person dies, all of their possessions are transferred to probate. Depending on the complexity and circumstances of the estate, the probate process can last

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Transfer Property With a Quitclaim Deed

How to Transfer Property With a Quitclaim Deed

A quitclaim deed is utilized to transfer an interest in real estate from one individual to another. Unlike a warranty deed, a quitclaim deed makes no guarantee that title to real estate is free and clear of any liens or claims of ownership. With a quitclaim deed the property is transferred in what b

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Contest a Will in England

How to Contest a Will in England

Although there are many reasons why a person may decide to contest a will, they all concern the validity of the will. It is never easy to contest a will because there are legal complexities involved. In addition, the person contesting the will is usually one of the bereaved. The majority of people

Law & Legal & Attorney: About the Last Will & Testament for Pennsylvania

About the Last Will & Testament for Pennsylvania

Creating a last will and testament makes it possible to have a say over what happens to your property and possibly your children when you pass away. If you live in the state of Pennsylvania, you will have to abide by the rules that are set forth for creating a will in that state. Familiarize yoursel

Law & Legal & Attorney: Joint Trust Agreement

Joint Trust Agreement

Joint trust agreements are often entered into by spouses to benefit their family during their lives and after they die. There are specific requirements to be met for the trust to be valid. Because laws in your state may vary, you should not rely solely on this information but should consult a licens

Law & Legal & Attorney: Wording For Last Will And Testament

Wording For Last Will And Testament

Writing your own Last Will And Testament is fairly easy. No specific wording for Last Will And Testament is required just as there is not a specific format required. While specific words are not required, there are several wording requirements.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Z Score in Minitab

How to Find Z Score in Minitab

In statistics, a z-score is a number that normalizes data points in a series. Finding a z-score can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large data set. However, if you are using the Minitab software, finding z-scores for a set of data will only take seconds, no matter how many hundreds of da

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Locate a Tax ID

How to Locate a Tax ID

The Tax ID Number (TIN), or Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a 9-digit number used in the United States for tax reporting, banking and other business-related purposes. There are many ways to locate a company's EIN. The method you choose will depend on whether you are an employee of the compa

Law & Legal & Attorney: Locate Probate Records in Alachua County, Florida

Locate Probate Records in Alachua County, Florida

If you are interested in reviewing the information about a probate estate and obtaining copies of probate court documents, many courts now have this information posted for free online. Here you will find the steps required to review the online probate dockets for estates that are being, or have been

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Importance of Special Needs Trusts

The Importance of Special Needs Trusts

Special Needs Trusts are a great tool for protecting your disabled relatives and ensuring their eligibility for valuable Federal Medicaid programs. This article is designed to inform you as to how these trust are created and administered, and most importantly, to inform you of the benefits these Spe

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Notice of Disagreement for the VA

How to Write a Notice of Disagreement for the VA

A Notice of Disagreement (or NOD) is used when the VA gives you a decision on a Compensation claim for service connected disability that you disagree with. Here is how to write a NOD properly.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Figure Net Worth for Estate Planning

How to Figure Net Worth for Estate Planning

Estate planning involves assessing your current financial situation and developing a plan to transfer assets upon death. The process involves a wide range of activities, including drafting a will, drawing up medical directives, appointing an executor and calculating your net worth. Determining your