Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A 'candidential' Who's Who

A 'candidential' Who's Who

Suzanne White examines the character of each of the US presidential candidates using her unique New Astrology© method. White combines Chinese and Western astrologies and creates 144 new character type

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: You Need to Wake Up to a Deadly Threat

You Need to Wake Up to a Deadly Threat

Wake up America! Be knowledgeable and aware of this real threat to our existence. Don't ignore the lessons we should have learned in the 1930's about Hitler's stated threats to exterminate the Jews - he came close to doing just that! Islamic extremists say it is their duty to kill all

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Palestine,paralysis and Plato

Palestine,paralysis and Plato

The fighting between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza and its threatened spread to the West Bank signals the failure of attempts by the Arab League and the Quartet to create an independent state in the West Ba

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Save the World With Plastic Lumber

Save the World With Plastic Lumber

When it comes to thinking about benches in the park or perhaps picnic tables, it is likely most people will immediately think of wood. However, there is a far better material for their construction than this, which is helping to keep costs down and save the environment. Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL)

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is "The Shift" And How Will It Affect Our Immediate World?

What Is "The Shift" And How Will It Affect Our Immediate World?

I've been hearing a lot of soothsayers and visionaries talk about the coming shift in the world where everything will change. I too, see a coming shift, but instead of reading tea leaves and tarot cards, I just pay attention to the world around me. As a journalist and educator, my job is to pay

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What the Obama White House Means to Me

What the Obama White House Means to Me

Months have passed, the dust has settled and it is official that Barack Hussein Obama is the president of the United States.After all these months, my eyes still well up with tears and my heart swells whenever that thought crosses my mind.At the risk of sounding trite and antiquated I must say that

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Swaa annual congress held

Swaa annual congress held


Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Happy Pigs Make Tasty Bacon

Happy Pigs Make Tasty Bacon

Suppliers of meat to the fast food industry are being pushed into treating pigs better as concerns over animal welfare become more and more a part of consumer consciousness. McDonalds are requiring po

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Should a National Holiday Supersede an Imminent Ecological Disaster?

Should a National Holiday Supersede an Imminent Ecological Disaster?

Thousands of barrels of free flowing BP oil is gushing daily to the surface in the Gulf of Mexico. This past July 4th weekend the professionals evaluating the risks and control options associated with the flow took the weekend off promising to return Tuesday morning to provide a business as usual ap

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Thoughts on the Vietnam War, America and Russia

Thoughts on the Vietnam War, America and Russia

The American war in Vietnam (I know I said I was not going to write anymore on this subject, but I just couldn't help it): was lost by American infantry fighting Vietcong infantry, much the same way Rome lost its infantry to the barbarian infantry, during the decline and fall of the Roman Empir

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Catch Up With A Past Classmate

Catch Up With A Past Classmate

After going to school with your classmates for four or even twelve years, its hard to imagine ever losing touch. Once you graduate though and realize that everyone is going off to their own schools, jobs or travels it becomes heartbreakingly clear that...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: First-time Buyers Face Decade Of Waiting

First-time Buyers Face Decade Of Waiting

Nearly half of prospective first-time buyers expect it will take ten years or more to save a deposit for their first property, according to Post Office Mortgages.Would-be buyers living in the South East and South West have most difficulty with raising a deposit, with 65% and 56% respectively anticip

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Help Children Who Live in Poverty

How to Help Children Who Live in Poverty

There is a myth that is very prevalent in this country, and that is that poverty and hunger only exist in other countries. In fact there is quite a bit of poverty in America, and this includes over 14 million children whose parents can't afford to feed them regularly and can't provide prop