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Should a National Holiday Supersede an Imminent Ecological Disaster?

We are all by now very familiar with the many environmental issues and concerns transpiring in the Gulf of Mexico.
The British Petroleum oil debacle, the gushing out of thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean waters, the harmful ecological effects this spill is having on the sea creatures, wildlife and residents in the immediate area.
The destruction of the marine life dependent upon an oil free and undisturbed ocean floor.
Could someone please tell me why amidst all this imminent death and ecological destruction the personnel crucial to evaluate, contain and control the oil spill have been allowed to take the weekend off and return to work on Tuesday morning under the guise of business as usual? To me that does not seem as if it is a top priority to contain the oil spill.
It seems as if the people essential to the resolution of this problem have deemed it necessary to return to their homes and enjoy a long and relaxing July 4th holiday weekend.
The experts at the Army Corps of Engineers probably need the long weekend to recoup their energies and regain their resolve to control this elusive oil spill.
Members of the Environmental Protection Agency (E.
) and of course representatives of the offending B.
Oil company also deserve a restful weekend.
President Obama, despite all his verbal wrath and eloquently delivered vehemence, did not issue any type of executive order that would force these people to forgo their long weekend until at least a few alternative solutions have been explored and evaluated.
After all to many pundits, this spill represents the greatest ecological disaster the country has ever faced.
The American people have always been a vocal people.
They are not afraid to publicly voice their dissension of those issues that they feel are important to their safety or economic futures.
It seems now however that the voice of Joe Public has been silenced and that an overall acceptance of the oil disaster has settled in on the American public.
Some form of laissez faire mentality probably will allow the offending oil company, their political lobbyists in Washington and of course the general public to patiently wait until Tuesday morning when the challenge of containing the spill will continue in full earnest.
Will the dying marine life, oil slicked birds and tar ball covered beaches be as patient and as forgiving as the civilized world would like them to be? Would the folks in Britain be as patient and understanding if an American oil company had a similar disaster in their North Sea and then decided to enjoy a long weekend to celebrate their history? Will a very silent majority accept and allow the technical problem solvers the time to go home and celebrate the holiday while disaster pours out freely and steadily at their own front door?
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