Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Trumpenstein


A political cartoon about the Trump monster created by the GOP.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Best Jokes Skewering Jeb Bush

Best Jokes Skewering Jeb Bush

A roundup of the best late-night jokes lampooning Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Rubio Water Break

Rubio Water Break

A political cartoon about Sen. Marco Rubio's 'Water-Gate' moment.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Tell a Joke is a Business Skill

How to Tell a Joke is a Business Skill

Discover today how to persuade, influence, and convince clients, buyers, and adversaries with these simple, three steps to success. Do not leave these pages without learning how to win over listeners.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Palin and Beck

Palin and Beck

A Photoshop parody depicting Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck in 'Grease.'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tea Party Patriots

Tea Party Patriots

A political cartoon about the Tea Party movement and the Massachusetts Senate election.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Staying on The Funny Side of Thanksgiving

Staying on The Funny Side of Thanksgiving

I just read an ad that said you can get your entire Thanksgiving dinner in a bag, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, and an overly critical mother-in-law. Get out the paddles for Great Aunt Ethel that such a day would come when holiday food would be poured out of a bag in a house filled with the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Redd Foxx - Biography

Redd Foxx - Biography

Read a biography of legendary and influential comedian Redd Foxx, star of TVs Sanford and Son and a comedian who broke down racial barriers.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How To Be Funny: 20 Tips and Ideas

How To Be Funny: 20 Tips and Ideas

Ever wonder how to be funny?Here's twenty different ways to be funny.Try these strategies and see which work best for your personality!

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ninjas


A funny demotivational poster inspired by the Bush shoe attack.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Optical Protection at Its Best With Ray-Ban Sunglasses

Optical Protection at Its Best With Ray-Ban Sunglasses

It has been over 70 years since Ray-Ban sunglasses went into production with their quality sunglasses, beginning as official sunglasses for US Army fighter pilots to now being one of the most iconic brand style of sunglasses in the entire world. The Ray-Ban sunglasses brand has always tried to offer

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Burnt Finger

Burnt Finger

A funny response to Rep. Peter Hoekstra's infamous Twitter post, illustrating the concept of whining while using grandiose exaggerations and comparisons.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Relax with zero gravity chairs

Relax with zero gravity chairs

A zero gravity lounger is also very adjustable. The entity owners can use them depending on their own wants. These specially designed seats come with an amount of locks, adjustment knobs and levers, p