David Brenner - Biography
Read a biography of legendary comedian David Brenner, the father of observational comedy and the most frequent Tonight Show guest in history.
Read a biography of legendary comedian David Brenner, the father of observational comedy and the most frequent Tonight Show guest in history.
You've seen him on The Soup and have been thinking about heading to one of his comedy shows to check him out but are not sure what to expect.Well never fear because this article will go over what you can expect at a Joel McHale Stand Up Comedy Show.
A picture of a protester taunting a religious protester.
According to the Bible, King David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, Micah, the Philistines and, the daughter of Zion said, all of them said: Woe is me or Woe unto me.King David said: Woe is me! Because I dwell
Actual church bulletin bloopers:"Next Sunday is Easter and Mrs. Anderson will come forward and lay an egg on the altar""Tonight's sermon: WHAT IS HELL? Come early and listen to our choir practice."
Bob Hope didn't believe in long rehearsals, feeling that too much familiarity with comic material could dull the spontaneity that he felt it requires. Consequently, guests who preferred more
Everyone has times they want to escape reality. Those times are called fantasies and fantasies don't last long.
View a doctored photo of President Bush reading a book upside down.
Celebration is a cause for cake, but these cakes are not a cause for celebration.
A political cartoon about comparing Martin Luther King's dream to the nightmare that is Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.
A political cartoon about Hillary Clinton's argument against Barack Obama.
A political cartoon poking fun at Occupy Wall Street protesters.
With a background in journalism and comedy, Mike Durrett was the About.com Guide to Web Humor from 1998-2009.
A political cartoon paying tribute to Ted Kennedy.
Birthday and children jokes are humorous, hilariously funny ~but not all are suitable family fun or for kids entertainment at party celebrations -this a clean and funny joke collection of child and to
From Dane Cook to Jeff Dunham, several comedians really hit it big in the 2000s. Check out the breakout comedy stars of the decade.
A political cartoon suggesting replacing the Confederate Flag with Donald Trump's hairpiece.
In this troubled economic times it is time someone stepped forward and offered real world advice about being laid off or fired. How do you know when its coming? What can you do? Did I forget to mention that this is a humor column?
A political cartoon about climate change.
Stinkball is the old pong game, updated with belching pigs. Drop everything. Suddenly, with Stinkball, your life has meaning!