Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Can People Make Glass Bottles Into?

What Can People Make Glass Bottles Into?

How often have you discarded a glass bottle and thought for a moment, "I could make something out of that!" Aside from becoming part of this week's recycling, there are many ideas for using those those empty glass bottles--from rainy-day crafts to creative works of art.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Build a Protective Wood Case

How to Build a Protective Wood Case

Store delicate belongings in your own homemade, protective, wood case. Wood cases are often built to be strong, but to build a strong case that is protective will require foam padding for its interior. Build a protective case in any wood shop or garage quickly by using plywood for its framing and gl

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Creative Gift Box

How to Make a Creative Gift Box

Although many card and gift shops offer ornate, expensive gift boxes to house your presents, you can create your own creative boxes with a few supplies. Check around your house for ingredients and inspiration; many unique gift boxes can be made with items you already have or can get during a quick t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Measure the Power in Light Bulbs

How to Measure the Power in Light Bulbs

With the increasing push towards energy efficiency, many find themselves wondering how much power a light bulb really uses. In order to answer this question, some measurements must be taken. According to the power equation, Power=Voltage x Current, if you know the voltage and the current, you can de

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Does a Hydrogen Power Plant Work?

How Does a Hydrogen Power Plant Work?

What is a Hydrogen Power Plant?A hydrogen power plant is a concept design for a new widespread source of electricity. Essentially, it is a facility which uses hydrogen to produce electrical energy. It is being proposed that a large facility, not unlike a nuclear power plant in appearance,...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Use a Chain Breaker Tool

How to Use a Chain Breaker Tool

If you need to shorten or lengthen a chain on a bicycle or motorcycle, use a chain breaker tool. These little gadgets allow you to pull chain links apart without damaging the chain. Some chains have a quick release link that doesn't require the use of a chain breaker tool, but if all of the chain li

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Check an Electrical Outlet

How to Check an Electrical Outlet

To check an electrical outlet, use either an outlet tester or a multimeter.An outlet tester is a small device used to test if a three-pronged outlet is working, and also if it is wired properly. They usually check up to 125 volts. In appearance, one end of it looks like a plug, and the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is a Kola Nut?

What Is a Kola Nut?

The kola nut comes from the kola tree, an evergreen that thrives in tropical climates. The seed, or nut, from the tree is high in caffeine and is used to make carbonated cola soft drinks, such as Coca-Cola.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ideas for Dry Ice

Ideas for Dry Ice

Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide (CO2). Frozen carbon dioxide converts directly to its gaseous form when it melts, skipping a liquid form altogether, which creates a foggy or misty effect. You can buy dry ice from ice dealers and some grocery stores. Handle it with care; use gloves and...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: About Raccoons

About Raccoons

Raccoons are a nocturnal mammal that lives throughout the continental United States in great numbers. An extremely intelligent animal, raccoons have adapted well to the presence of humans. They are hunted for sport and as a source of food in some areas and are capable of being pests when it comes to

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Sculpt Sandstone With a Dremel

How to Sculpt Sandstone With a Dremel

Sandstone is a durable sedimentary rock composed of bits of stone and minerals, typically compacted over centuries. Sandstone is an ideal raw material for carving. Typical sandstone colors are tan, white, red, yellow, gray, and sometimes a combination. The Dremel power-rotating carving tool is a goo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Crystals That Reflect Light

Crystals That Reflect Light

The beauty of crystals attracts many collectors as well as people who use them for various purposes in healing and spirituality. These specimens of "frozen light" have different attributes that make them react in different ways to natural or electric light. Light is reflected and refracted on numero

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Equip Skill Cards in "Rappelz"

How to Equip Skill Cards in "Rappelz"

"Rappelz," an MMORPG available free of charge, features items known as Skill Cards for players. These cards can provide advantages, including a lowered cost in using a skill, increased points for an ability and decreased cooltime. You must equip a Skill Card before it can be used during gameplay. Th

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Remove Chrome Plating From Plastic

How to Remove Chrome Plating From Plastic

Model building is serious endeavor for many hobbyists and avid modelers are frequently adverse to chrome plating on model parts because it looks unrealistic and cannot be glued to other parts with traditional modeler's plastic cement. Sanding away the plating is time consuming and will leave the pla

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Snow Globe Online

How to Make a Snow Globe Online

Snow globes are normally seen during the Christmas holiday season. Making your own online makes them more versatile. You can choose a Christmas scene, a New Year's theme, or you can make a snow globe to promote your business.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Measure the Moisture Content of Seeds

How to Measure the Moisture Content of Seeds

The cells of all living things contain water, and plants are no different. A plant's seed is an embryo, or baby plant, sealed in a protective shell. One of the shell's jobs is to prevent the seed from becoming completely dessicated, or dried out. The plant embryo will die if that happens. You can me

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Build a Silverlight Website

How to Build a Silverlight Website

Microsoft Silverlight is a development platform used to build a wide variety of media applications. Web developers use Silverlight to embed these applications or other Silverlight-based media within websites. To enable Silverlight on your website, the Silverlight plug-in must first be integrated int

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Tan Clay

How to Make Tan Clay

Clay is a fine-grained, earthy material that develops a plastic-like consistency when wet. Clay has been a significant tool in architecture, industry and agriculture and is most often recognized as a building material, whether it is for making clay pottery or adobe brick walls. Unleash your creativi

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Homemade RC Airboats

Homemade RC Airboats

Airboats are fast-moving, shallow boats ideal for transport across swampy areas such as the Everglades in Florida and Louisiana. They are lightweight and agile, using their powerful air fan and rudder mechanism to skim over the water. Building your own, homemade airboat is not completely easy, but t