Health & Medical: Water Submetering As a Utility Management Tool

Water Submetering As a Utility Management Tool

As the demand for water, gas and electricity continues to rise at rates higher than those at which resources are available, everyone is facing much higher utility expenses.For Boston and the surrounding area this is especially true as the area has some of the highest water and sewer costs in the nat

Health & Medical: Trees Offer More Than Just Shade

Trees Offer More Than Just Shade

Austin takes its trees pretty seriously. This spring the Austin City Council considered rules for how developers can both treat existing trees on a property and quotas for planting future trees. This effort comes through the city's Watershed Protection Department and would represent the first m

Health & Medical: Are You Eating A "Carbon-Conscious Diet?"

Are You Eating A "Carbon-Conscious Diet?"

When most people think about their diet, they rarely consider the environmental impact it may be having. Instead of the environmental impact, people associate more personal concerns with their dietary choices, concerns like convenience, calories and taste.

Health & Medical: Is Your Green or Eco Community Eco-Minded?

Is Your Green or Eco Community Eco-Minded?

Many eco-minded communities are being created throughout the world. Some are more eco than others. Water systems, energy systems, impact studies, dirt treatment, waste removal, recycling, transportation, food, EMF, microwaves, air-quality, sourcing items, air-conditioning, toys like Television, pape

Health & Medical: Ways to Diminish Water Pollution

Ways to Diminish Water Pollution

Here are our top tips on the ways to diminish water pollution in five clear steps: Just about anything which is really worth doing will involve more than a single step to complete. Most worthwhile projects take some time, demand a good number of basic steps plus consistent effort. You must prepare y

Health & Medical: How Can We Save The Environment?

How Can We Save The Environment?

Save the environment to save yourself. There is nothing more precious than one's own health and life. The problem is that environment is such an issue that one cannot solve it for oneself only. Nobody can bring corrections in the climatic change or green house effect for his own sake.

Health & Medical: 7 Top Tips On How To Live Green

7 Top Tips On How To Live Green

Living green doesn't mean you have to turn hippie and wave goodbye to all the modern comforts you've become accustomed to. Here are some top tips on living green.

Health & Medical: Environment Tissues, I Mean Issues

Environment Tissues, I Mean Issues

Environmental issues relating to a once beautiful little lagoon. Is it common practise for environmentalists to favour protection of migrating swallows' habitat to the detriment of existing indigenous wild life. Our lagoon is rapidly disappearing under the run away growth of water reeds. Our ha

Health & Medical: Cape Waits For Decision

Cape Waits For Decision

In less than two weeks, the fate of a clean-energy project eight years in the making will finally be decided. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has announced he will determine if the project will go forward by Friday, February 12. Environmentalists largely support the Cape Wind offshore wind project be

Health & Medical: Using a Non-Toxic Mil-Prf-80 Degreaser Does More Then Benefit the Environment

Using a Non-Toxic Mil-Prf-80 Degreaser Does More Then Benefit the Environment

If your company has been using a line of mil-prf-680 degreasers for a long period of time, the last thing that you want to do is potentially throw a wrench in your operations by switching to line of non-toxic degreasers that claim to conform to mil-prf-680 standards. However, there are several reaso

Health & Medical: "Green" Jobs Offer a Promising Outlook in New York State

"Green" Jobs Offer a Promising Outlook in New York State

Whether you are trying to give career advice to upcoming graduates deciding on a career direction or advising a professional who is recently unemployed, Green jobs or sustainable energy careers are a promising path to take.New York State is participating in a National Governor's Association Pol

Health & Medical: Bad Eco-Tourism Does More Harm Than Good

Bad Eco-Tourism Does More Harm Than Good

Tourism is a booming industry. With many travellers flocking to different destinations around the globe, tourism is becoming one of the most viable business markets in the world. However, air travel, car travel and other aspects of tourism are adding to the planet's pollution crisis and this is

Health & Medical: Horror Shark Attacks

Horror Shark Attacks

Close on 73 million sharks are murdered each year, and this is a conservative claim. If the wholesale slaughter of these magnificently adapted creatures is not stopped with immediate effect, sharks may well join the ranks of the dodo, the Tasmanian wolf and the quagga.

Health & Medical: Three Interesting Facts About Solar Energy

Three Interesting Facts About Solar Energy

Solar energy may be are best alternative energy for the future of mankind. According to scientist our sun has an estimated life span of five billion years. Compared to the sun, our oil and natural gas resources are running out quickly, with experts saving that in ten years we could be in a real ener

Health & Medical: Keeping Water Clean With Turbidity Curtains

Keeping Water Clean With Turbidity Curtains

Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly common for construction projects to be built alongside water. These locations are popular for many types of buildings, from apartment blocks to vacation homes. Yet building close to bodies of water can result in negatively affecting the water. This is why floati

Health & Medical: Youth Should Be Actively Involved in Community Based Adaptation

Youth Should Be Actively Involved in Community Based Adaptation

Most of the time, youths are engaged in climate change matters as seminar, workshop or conference participants, and the decisions are made by older generations. This is the right century or year to all youths to be actively involved in decision making on climate change matters and be part of communi

Health & Medical: Understanding Our Carbon Footprint

Understanding Our Carbon Footprint

Climate change is a global issue which demands the immediate attention of all organizations, governments and individuals alike. Today there are forward-thinking organizations which have begun voluntarily declaring their GHG emissions for reasons such as risk management, cost reduction, brand protect

Health & Medical: Some Best Ideas to Recycle Cardboard Boxes

Some Best Ideas to Recycle Cardboard Boxes

One of the easiest items to be recycled is cardboard boxes. With a little touch of creativity, they could be changed into a lot of attractive and beautiful crafts. Obviously, there are a lot of ideas in recycling your boxes into more attractive and beautiful crafts.

Health & Medical: The Importance of a Clean Water Supply

The Importance of a Clean Water Supply

The effect of unhealthy water is evident in countries that have suffered from earthquakes and other natural and manmade disasters. Cholera, dysentery, and dehydration is prevalent in any place on earth that has had a major disaster.