Health & Medical: Codependence


A definition of the term "codependence".

Health & Medical: Knowing What To Do With Your Depression

Knowing What To Do With Your Depression

Depression is a silent killer that overtakes your life completely and also hampers your daily activities. In order to avoid depression overtaking your life you should get the right cure for depression. Before you opt for the right cure you need to consult a doctor who will advise you on the type of

Health & Medical: Depression - How Do You Go Through?

Depression - How Do You Go Through?

We all go through depression some time in our lives. But for some, it stays with them for long periods of time. In this article, you will find out how depression happens and how it manifests itself and what you can do to stop it from getting worse or even prevent it from happening.

Health & Medical: Why Alternative Depression Treatment is Sometimes the Best Possible Option

Why Alternative Depression Treatment is Sometimes the Best Possible Option

Why should we look at alternative depression treatment? The main reason is that anti-depressants are not suitable for all patients and some find the side effects very disturbing indeed. It is a salutary thought that just because there are few changes in the balance of brain chemicals which govern ou

Health & Medical: Supplements and Herbs For Relief From Depression Naturally

Supplements and Herbs For Relief From Depression Naturally

Many things cause depression and there are many levels of depression. The main causes of depression can be eating the wrong diet causing nutritional deficiencies; illnesses can create an imbalance and emotional problems.

Health & Medical: Mental Self Help - The Key to Success in Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

Mental Self Help - The Key to Success in Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

We all have times when our problems seem to be overwhelming, when there seems to be no way out of the mess you're in. The hardest thing to understand is that most of the problems are in your own mind. Once you do that, there are many ways that you can change your perspective and start the proce

Health & Medical: Types of Depression

Types of Depression

Want to learn more about the different types of depression? Discover more about major (clinical) depression, chronic depression, atypical depression, bipolar depression, seasonal depression, and more.

Health & Medical: Depression 101

Depression 101

Depression is confusing enough for the person experiencing it never mind their partner or caregiver.It is difficult to deal with someone encountering this transition.Hopefully, this article will give you a little insight as to what is occurring and make it easier to realize that this is just a "

Health & Medical: Kids Anxiousness The Problem Within These Days Situation

Kids Anxiousness The Problem Within These Days Situation

Nonetheless, this particular can't be adequate to help a youngster along with anxiousness mayhem obtain completely previous his or her panic attacks and anxiety. Kids may are afflicted by anxiousness in lots of ways.

Health & Medical: Psychiatrist


A definition for the term "psychiatrist."

Health & Medical: Depression And Weight Loss

Depression And Weight Loss

Depression can be a very difficult condition. It is also related to the weight loss problem. I will give helpful tips and information how to deal with depression and conquer it and how to lose weight at the same time.

Health & Medical: Dysthymia


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of dysthymia including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: What Does Depression Feel Like?

What Does Depression Feel Like?

This article is to share what depression feels like. Join me to see what a bad day might feel like.

Health & Medical: Why Recommending Antidepressants To A Depressed Person Is A Bad Idea

Why Recommending Antidepressants To A Depressed Person Is A Bad Idea

This article gives seven reasons that recommending antidepressants to a depressed person is a bad idea. Many of these boil down to the fact that if you are not a person's doctor, it is not your place to make any recommendation about medication. However, there are other possibly more compelling

Health & Medical: Difference Between Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression

Difference Between Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression

Unipolar depression is another form of depression. It is also known as major depressive disorder. It is a mood disorder commonly identified by sadness or blues, Irritation, decreased interest in favorite activities, Significant changes in weight, sleeping problems, fatigue, problems in concentrating