Health & Medical Depression

Depression 101

Depression creeps up without the host knowing it.
The process is so slow that they actually think they are reacting to the trigger point when actually it is the depression taking over their impulses.
Watching and interacting with someone going through depression is confusing if you have never experienced it yourself.
Hopefully you will be able to gain some insight by climbing into a depressed person's head if just for a moment.
It takes a while before a depressed person realizes that they are acting the way they are because they are depressed.
Situations good and bad come and go in everyday life.
When a person continually reacts negatively it is generally the first sign that something isn't registering properly in the brain.
A positive person that usually lets things role then become emotional and defensive is another sign.
If you need a visual it is of sheep going over a cliff with one negative thought pushing the first thought with a second one piling on behind.
Thoughts that would never come to mind at another time keep rushing through.
The depressed person is someone unfamiliar to themselves and to others around them.
Actually it is like a stranger takes over the body and they are on to outside watching it happen.
Don't ask them what they want you to do because this person is a stranger to them as well.
The following are some generic reactions that must be taken to keep the peace while trying to assist a depressed person.
I agree that at the time they may not seem fair to you.
1) If a negative statement comes flying out take a minute while you ponder where it came from.
If it continues say you understand where they are coming from but acknowledge to yourself that they are coming from depression and prepare you.
2) Do not start a conflict or start asking questions like "what does that mean?" because the stranger doesn't have the answers and even if he did they would be different answers if he wasn't depressed.
3) Don't leave.
Tactfully encourage them to get in the detox bath.
You know this isn't who they are and it is your humble way of helping.
If there were no love there you would just go your own way but you know they need supplements, a detox bath and sleep.
4) Let the stranger vent.
Keeping it inside will cause an explosion.
Keep an open mind and remember there is no governor on this brain and stupid unreal things will appear as if in a state of temporary insanity.
Saying "that is ridiculous" is the truth but should not be said at that time because it will only add fuel to the fire.
5) Encourage them to get the anger out.
Hit a pillow with a fist, jump on a trampoline or jump rope to become exhausted to induce sleep because detoxing and sleep are usually the only things that will bring them back aside from agreeing with them.
6) There is no serotonin flowing to coat the nerves so everything is raw.
It is like going without sleep when you can not take any more.
Intellectually the person knows they are out of control but emotionally there is nothing that they can think of to bring them back because their brain will not engage in anything but negative thoughts.
It is like the mind is locked and to challenge them at a time like this or ask them why they are acting this way is ludicrous.
7) Remember you have all your faculties and maybe someday you won't.
This may be the person you turn to for help! Let's hope there is enough love to see you both through the rough times.
Reading this over together when the depression is absent will let the person you care about know that you have some awareness of the pain that they periodically experience.
Hopefully, they will use supplements like an excellent B complex that will help prevent these relapses but if the recurrence is inevitable I hope this helps you to hold onto your own sanity because it is worth it in the end! These are a few suggestions for the depressed person if you can catch the depression before the onset: Exercise - get involved in any movement if it is indoors jump on your mini trampoline.
Outside try anything that involves the long muscles like swimming, bicycling or jogging.
Supplement with a B complex and the amino acid tryptophan they assist in increasing the brain's release of serotonin, which is a natural anti-depressant.
Good foods are turkey, bananas and nuts.
Don't suffer alone.
Reach out for someone who understands and someone you can normally laugh with.
Get into the light as much as possible.
Darkness will inhibit you mood.
Look for what is going right.
When you fall into depression this won't be possible.
Tears contain chemical that need to be released so let them flow in or out to the detox bath.
Bach Flower remedies has 3 different flowers that assist with depression.
Visit you local health food store and look for Dr.
Bach's Sweet Chestnut, Crab Apple and Mustard.
Crab Apple is easy to remember because at the onset of depression you will start feeling "crabby".
Put your feet on soil, grass or sand and get back to nature.
Let you soles radiate to your soul!
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