Japanese Language Expert Quiz
Here is a fun quiz to test your knowledge of the Japanese language.
Tips To Learn Spanish
A lot of Americans have been trying to figure out if they should learn Spanish. It isn't just one of the most well known languages around the world, but there is also a growing population of native Spanish speaking people in the United States. As Hispanic commerce continues to rise in North Ame
How to write hiragana: wa ?
How to write the hiragana character for "wa" with step-by-step stroke order.
Bu Neng - Daily Mandarin Lesson
The Mandarin Chinese word for "cannot" is "bu neng." This daily Mandarin lesson has audio files for your pronunciation and listening practice.
Listening ESL Exercises
You can practice ESL listening at home on the Internet.Ryouchin/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesESL students can get a variety of benefits from listening exercises. They can listen to improve their English pronunciation, reading and vocabulary. They can also listen to improve their...
Devancer - to do s.t. ahead of s.o.
Learn how to conjugate devancer, a spelling change French verb.
Word of the Day: Pingüino
Learn a new Spanish word each day.
Word of the Day: Pastoso
Learn a new Spanish word each day.
What Does the Spanish Word "Lente" Mean?
Learn a new Spanish word each day.
Shiwasu – December
The Japanese word for December is "juuni-gatsu," which literally means, "twelfth month." Each month has an older Japanese name, and December is called "shiwasu."
How To Learn Italian From Home With The Internet
For people with ambitions to voyage round Europe in the vein of Chevy Chase and his family, it could make sense to understand one of the foreign languages that you may meet over there. You might learn Italian, French, German or maybe Spanish. Even some basics in these languages may possibly make it
Welsh Inventions
For a small country in the United Kingdom, Wales has been responsible for a relatively large number of inventions spanning a number of fields, from engineering to mathematics. Many Welsh inventions have gone on to influence the development of technology we use in the 21st century, or else are still
Today in Francophone History
Learn about important dates in French and francophone history: famous birthdays, holidays and celebrations, and other milestones.