no! no! is the most sought after product for getting rid of unwanted body hair. Over 2 million systems have been sold. But how do you know if it really works? As we enter this new era of personal home beauty products it is important to know the facts. This is how the no! no! Hair Removal Reviews site came into being.
I wanted to see some research and hear some personal testimonies about this no! no! Hair Removal system so I went digging and was surprised at what I found. One important factor being, it is InStyle Magazines 2011 product of the year. It has also been featured in many top magazines and on several news shows that I found.
Its popularity sky rocketed when well known actor and western singer Kassie DePaiva started using it. She claims she got great results from using no! no! especially on her embarrassing facial hair.
no! no! boasts of pain free hair removal. It works on all skin and hair types because it uses Thermicon technology which is heat based. Radiancy has taken the technology that many professionals use and adapted it into a home system. Many products on the market today don`t get tested extensively but Radiancy studies hair growth in order to know how to stop it. There are clinical studies and research that I found that proved no! no! technology really works.
Users say that they like how it gently glides over their skin and how easy it is to use. They do however say that the first time takes a little longer getting used to how to use it correctly, but after that it gets easier and faster. The thermodynamic wire that transmits heat to the hair treats several hairs at one time.
Research shows both men and women use it to remove unwanted body hair successfully. This hair removal system has allowed them to save a lot of money they would otherwise be spending on laser treatments and waxing. Oh, they have saved themselves a lot of pain too.
The ease of using it is another reason people like it so well. Since it is a cordless hand-held device, they can use it anywhere, any time. It takes 4 - 6 weeks of treatment to see a significant reduction in hair growth. They feel the time they have invested is totally worth it to get rid of annoying body hair.
I wanted to see some research and hear some personal testimonies about this no! no! Hair Removal system so I went digging and was surprised at what I found. One important factor being, it is InStyle Magazines 2011 product of the year. It has also been featured in many top magazines and on several news shows that I found.
Its popularity sky rocketed when well known actor and western singer Kassie DePaiva started using it. She claims she got great results from using no! no! especially on her embarrassing facial hair.
no! no! boasts of pain free hair removal. It works on all skin and hair types because it uses Thermicon technology which is heat based. Radiancy has taken the technology that many professionals use and adapted it into a home system. Many products on the market today don`t get tested extensively but Radiancy studies hair growth in order to know how to stop it. There are clinical studies and research that I found that proved no! no! technology really works.
Users say that they like how it gently glides over their skin and how easy it is to use. They do however say that the first time takes a little longer getting used to how to use it correctly, but after that it gets easier and faster. The thermodynamic wire that transmits heat to the hair treats several hairs at one time.
Research shows both men and women use it to remove unwanted body hair successfully. This hair removal system has allowed them to save a lot of money they would otherwise be spending on laser treatments and waxing. Oh, they have saved themselves a lot of pain too.
The ease of using it is another reason people like it so well. Since it is a cordless hand-held device, they can use it anywhere, any time. It takes 4 - 6 weeks of treatment to see a significant reduction in hair growth. They feel the time they have invested is totally worth it to get rid of annoying body hair.