Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How To Design Good CD Covers - Important Tips

Lately more and more people would like to purchase CD's online.
This kind of CD is the same as normal CD but you don't need to go to the store to get it.
It is very convenient to both sides, the artist don't have to take a risk and invest money in the CD distribution which make the price of the CD online cheaper, and for those who want to hear the music will get it for cheaper price and will be able to get it by just few simple clicks of the mouse.
We have in here some tips for all online artist out that could help you sell your product more efficiently.
In order to attract customers to purchase the CD, good CD layout design is necessary.
With good-looking design, your audience could understand the message included in your CD and songs just from the design and they would understand more about why they should listen to it.
Therefore, the CD cover should be carefully designed.
In order to design good CD layout, You could use different kinds of softwares for the task, As you may know, it would be almost impossible for you to create the cover by simply using the Paint in your computer, because you may need to add a lot of special effects on the design to make it attractive.
The most recommended software to use for design is Adobe Photoshop.
Before you get started, you have to understand the theme is.
If you cannot understand the theme, you would not be able to create a good design, which is related to the content of the CD.
You could ask a professional designer to create the CD design for you, but that can be a bit expensive.
If you tight with money there are lot of methods and ways that could help you create the design all by yourself.
There are some free softwares available online.
If you want to look for those products, you may want to consider searching online Of course, the capabilities included in the free software would not be as good as those included in the paid software in most cases.
Photoshop is one of the leading graphic software out there you will get great result for 3D CD designs using it.
When you create the CD cover design, you should understand that use of words in the design, the headline and tagline would help deliver the message of the CD.
Most of the time it will be better include both images and text in the cover.
That will make the CD look more attractive.
If are going to create CD cover you should try to include all the main messages that you think your audience would like to see.
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