Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

When is the Right Time to Apply For a Google AdSense Account?

Google AdSense is undoubtedly the easiest way to make money online.
Most of the times new bloggers/website owners are not sure as when is the right time to apply for an AdSense account.
What is the minimum traffic requirement? How many articles should be there? Is there a six month ownership criteria for the website? Does PageRank play any role? Unfortunately, there's more myth than fact circulating in public domain about Google AdSense account approval.
I would like to share my experience for the benefit of website & blog owners who wish to apply for AdSense account.
I am a technology blogger from India & received my AdSense approval in less than 3 months of owning my blog.
No need to unnecessarily wait for 6 months if you own a good quality blog.
Why am I interested to share my AdSense account request approval experience? Cause, it may not be unique but it's different & will motivate many of you to play fair.
Also, it will help you in deciding one of the most important factors i.
when is the right time to apply for AdSense.
Following statements are widely circulated in forums & blogs:
  • Google doesn't readily approve publishers from India, China and a few other countries
  • Your website/blog must be six months old to get AdSense account approval.
First thing first, you can't fool the most innovative web company (read Google).
So, forget about getting your AdSense account approved using 100s of paid/non-paid guaranteed black-magic ways mentioned in various forums & blogs.
Even if you are successful in doing so, your account bears the risk of getting disabled.
Bottom-line: No short-cuts, never pay anyone, never use someone else's credentials or not so fair means to get your AdSense approved.
I am not an authority on Google AdSense but from my experience I can confidently say that the above mentioned statements may not be fully correct.
Though Google AdSense Support clearly mentions:
In some locations, including China and India, we also require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months.
I think it's a guideline to filter the scam sites and not necessarily a policy.
I own a custom domain.
Following is a sequence of events related to my AdSense approval:
  1. Registered my domain name (mentioned in the resource box) on 21 September 2009.
  2. Posted my first article on 1 October 2009.
  3. Applied for AdSense approximately after 2 and half months of activity.
  4. Received approval mail on 23 December 2009, after 3 working days from the date of application.
When is the right time to Apply for Google AdSense account? Following were my blog statistics when I applied for Google AdSense:
  • Number of articles: 14.
  • Google PageRank: 0.
    (Now it has a PR of 2 after 31 December 2009 PR update)
  • Total number of visits from October till December 20: approximately 2200.
  • Page Views: approximately 3850.
    Search Engine traffic source: approximately 45%.
  • Visitors came from 75 countries.
  • Majority of visitors from India followed by USA & UK.
From above I can safely draw a conclusion that, irrespective of location & country of origin, anyone who satisfies above criteria can apply for AdSense account & can get it approved.
Before you apply to AdSense make sure that you have the following in your blog:
  • A good theme/design.
  • Completed About me, Contact, Disclaimer etc.
  • Unique articles.
  • Good quality articles.
  • Good posting frequency (at least 1 article per week)
  • Good search engine traffic (on an average at least 30 unique visitors per day
After my experience, I strongly feel that Google does not discriminate provided you have a good quality blog.
So, no need to wait for 6 months for a blog which deserves it.
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