Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Easy Ways to Get Pregnant

One thing that many women want to know with regards to pregnancy is what are some easy ways to get pregnant. The first would be to find out when is the best time to conceive. Take note that it is not Christmas time nor is it on Valentine's Day. You must have some basic skills in mathematics in order to calculate your ovulation period. Now another question arises: how can this crucial time be calculated? To make things simpler, you could just go get an ovulation calculator to speed up these calculations because this is actually one of the easiest ways to get pregnant faster.
It is important to have some knowledge about your body and how it functions in order to obtain the probable dates of ovulation. The post ovulation period or the luteal phase is the period between ovulation and the first day of your menstrual cycle. This period consists of fourteen days and is basically the same for most women. After fourteen days, your period will start. The next thing you should do is find the date for your next period. You will then be able to obtain the ovulation period by adding around twelve to sixteen days from the start of your new period. Generally, women who have a cycle of twenty-eight days ovulate on the fourteenth day.
The second way to get pregnant would be to check and take note of the basal body temperature (BBT) regularly so you can determine when you are most fertile. This method involves recording the vaginal temperature every morning with the use of a BBT thermometer which is equipped with a fine calibration. The thermometer displays a higher temperature on the day of ovulation compared to that of the other days. The egg begins to develop at the end of the menstrual cycle and maximum growth occurs eight to twelve days after; thus the odds of being able to conceive is at its highest when the woman will have intercourse on the eighth, tenth, and twelfth day. This is the most effective time to get pregnant because the egg is only viable for a period of 12 to 16 hours.
Now it's time to shift the focus from the woman on to the man. If the couple has intercourse too frequently, it is highly likely that the sperm count would be lesser than what is required for conception. The rate of sperm motility may also be hampered because of this. On the other hand, it is also not good if the couple rarely engages in sexual intercourse, because chances are the sperm that will be released may be stale and old, making it lacking in virility. According to the opinion of many fertility experts, the couple should have intercourse only two times a week in order to increase the chances of conception.
Take note that the female ovum disintegrates after only a very short period while the male sperm can survive for around 2 to 5 days within the vaginal canal. It is thus recommended that couples have intercourse a couple of days prior to the date of ovulation so that the sperm will be able to get plenty of opportunities to reach the egg.
It is important to remember that the above mentioned ways to get pregnant might not be enough for you to be able to conceive successfully. If you're having some problems in getting pregnant, then it may be wise to try some holistic remedies that can help you find out the actual cause as to why you are unable to conceive. You can then attempt some all-natural remedies, which can range from Chinese medications, to acupuncture, from exercise, to making lifestyle changes in order to have a healthier and more balanced diet to treat such infertility. Unlike the age-old, conventional methods which have high rates of failure, the holistic ways to get pregnant can almost always give you your desired results without any harmful side effects.
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