Have you ever felt unsure of yourself as a coach? Maybe your confidence got a blow and you feel you now have nothing to give? Maybe you are scared that you might not have an answer for someone, or worried that you will give the wrong advice.
One big difference with new coaches and coaches that have been doing it for years is often lack of confidence.
What if you have - RIGHT NOW - much more to offer a client than you think? What if you could make a big difference to someone's life right now -before you get your qualification? What if you could go out and get ten new clients today, right now? No matter how low you may feel in yourself, you have something to offer to your client.
Here are some valuable things you can offer to a client - 1.
Listening Most people listen in the "waiting for my turn to speak" mode.
Or noticing if this is boring or entertaining.
But the coach listens with undivided attention.
A coach listens from "Is this moving forward?" "Does this sound like what they really want?" "Are there any actionable steps to take?" Simply by both of you coming together to look for ways the client can progress, they are getting something they do not usually get from conversation.
By you simply listening in this way you have something of value to your client.
Being There Each Week It is amazing how much a person will get done just knowing there is someone to hold them accountable.
They know next week you are going to ask them, "Did you do it?" Just by being there you are helping them discover what is important in their life.
It is like having an exercise partner.
Without the partner there you may not even get up to go exercise.
But when you know that they are going to be at your door waiting and expecting you, it motivates you to go exercise.
A Sounding Board Being able to talk about their issues lends clarity.
Just discussing what has been clanging around their heads all week is valuable.
Have you ever been trying to solve a problem and getting nowhere until you had a chance to talk about it with someone and then suddenly it does not seem half as big as it was in your head? You are giving your clients a chance to do that every week.
Another Perspective You may be able to see what they are doing in a new light.
You may have a different perspective allowing you to see their blind spots.
Some things may be obvious to you, but do not even occur to them because they are too involved in the situation.
You offer a fresh set of eyes on their life.
You might have different ideas they would not have had.
One big difference with new coaches and coaches that have been doing it for years is often lack of confidence.
What if you have - RIGHT NOW - much more to offer a client than you think? What if you could make a big difference to someone's life right now -before you get your qualification? What if you could go out and get ten new clients today, right now? No matter how low you may feel in yourself, you have something to offer to your client.
Here are some valuable things you can offer to a client - 1.
Listening Most people listen in the "waiting for my turn to speak" mode.
Or noticing if this is boring or entertaining.
But the coach listens with undivided attention.
A coach listens from "Is this moving forward?" "Does this sound like what they really want?" "Are there any actionable steps to take?" Simply by both of you coming together to look for ways the client can progress, they are getting something they do not usually get from conversation.
By you simply listening in this way you have something of value to your client.
Being There Each Week It is amazing how much a person will get done just knowing there is someone to hold them accountable.
They know next week you are going to ask them, "Did you do it?" Just by being there you are helping them discover what is important in their life.
It is like having an exercise partner.
Without the partner there you may not even get up to go exercise.
But when you know that they are going to be at your door waiting and expecting you, it motivates you to go exercise.
A Sounding Board Being able to talk about their issues lends clarity.
Just discussing what has been clanging around their heads all week is valuable.
Have you ever been trying to solve a problem and getting nowhere until you had a chance to talk about it with someone and then suddenly it does not seem half as big as it was in your head? You are giving your clients a chance to do that every week.
Another Perspective You may be able to see what they are doing in a new light.
You may have a different perspective allowing you to see their blind spots.
Some things may be obvious to you, but do not even occur to them because they are too involved in the situation.
You offer a fresh set of eyes on their life.
You might have different ideas they would not have had.