- 1). Form 4 ounces of red polymer clay into a ball for the inner core of the Earth.
- 2). Use a rolling pin to roll out 8 ounces of orange polymer clay into a sheet that is 1 inch thick; this will be the outer core of the Earth. Wrap the outer core over the inner core and trim off excess clay using a clay knife.
- 3). Roll out 12 ounces of blue polymer clay into a 1-inch-thick sheet; this will be the inner mantle of the Earth. Wrap the inner mantle over the outer core and use the clay knife to trim off excess clay.
- 4). Roll out 8 ounces of light blue polymer clay into a sheet that is 1/4-inch thick; this will be the outer mantle of the Earth. Wrap the outer mantle over the inner mantle and trim off any excess clay.
- 5). Press 8 ounces each of blue, green and brown polymer clay together, and roll out the clay into a 1/8-inch-thick sheet; this is the rocky crust of the Earth. Wrap the crust over the outer mantle and trim off the excess clay with the clay knife.
- 6). Smooth the finished ball with your hands to make it more rounded and spherical.
- 7). Cut one-fourth of the sphere out of the Earth model using the clay knife. Make clean cuts to separate out a piece of the Earth, resembling a watermelon slice, to reveal the inner layers of the Earth model.
- 8). Place the two Earth pieces onto a cookie sheet and bake them in a 150-degree-Fahrenheit oven for 20 minutes. Allow the model to cool for 30 minutes before displaying it.