Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

All About Scars

Scars used to be a sign of courage and in olden times, women liked men with scars.
Nowadays when beauty and eternal youth is being held at the highest level, even the old fashioned people are seeking out ways to get rid of their scar.
In this article I would like to briefly discuss about causes for scar and how to treat the scars.
Scars, also medically called as cicatrices, are formed usually after an accident or after an injury or a medical operation when normal skin or tissue is completely or partly replaced by fibrous tissues.
The length and depth of the scar may vary depending on the injury of the skin and also on the repair process.
The fibrous tissue which is laid down after the trauma in the skin or tissue is not identical and is always inferior both in terms of functionality and also in terms of quality.
Even the mildest injury or disruption of the normal tissue leaves a scar, some scars are noticeable, for example scars on face or arms or legs while some will not be noticeable for naked eyes, for example the scar tissue formed after heart attacks or after ligament tear.
The process of scaring involves a complex biological process and discussing about it is outside the scope of the article however one needs to understand the different types of scaring in order to decide which treatment is best suitable for them.
There are basically two types of scars: one the normal scars and the second the abnormal scars.
Both types of scars are the result of body producing more amount of collagen in order to repair the damaged tissue.
The normal scar or the hypertrophic scar is usually limited to the boundaries of the wound of the tissue.
These scars never cross the damaged area and usually appear as a raised red or a velvety lump on the skin.
They tend to improve in appearance and functionality over the years.
The abnormal scars or the keloid scars are the ones that grow over the region of injury.
The growth can vary and some keloid scars have grown continuously into a benign tumor.
These scars are most commonly caused by surgical operations, body piercing injuries, sometimes can be even caused by large acne's.
There are many modalities of treatment available for scars.
The most prominent one is the laser surgery and resurfacing of the scar.
This treatment utilizes the properties of laser to reduce the extra collagen and keratin in order to flatten the surface of the scar to the level of the skin.
The lasers which can be used are all FDA approved and can be used only by authorized medical personals.
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