Health & Medical Hearing

Can a Hearing Aid Help?

A hearing aid is a small device which can be worn behind the ear or in the ear itself.
It is an electronic device that enables a hearing impaired to communicate, listen to and take part in everyday activities.
This small device assists a person to hear in quiet as well as in noisy situations.
However, hardly one out of five people benefit from it.
This electronic device has three components a microphone, a speaker and an amplifier.
The microphone helps receive the sound and converts it into electrical signals after which it is sent to the amplifier.
The amplifier in turn increases the power from the signal' and transmits it through the speaker to the ear.
The benefits of using an aid: Most people tend to have hearing problem when the tiny sensory cell in the inside of the ear is damaged.
Hearing aid can help a person to improve the level of hearing and naturally improves comprehension in speech.
Using a hearing aid will benefit people with the kind of hearing problem caused due to the damage done to the hair cells termed as the sensori-neural loss of hearing.
This type of damage can be the result of some diseases, result of ageing or the side effects of some medicine or due to some damaging noise.
A hearing aid helps magnify sound vibrations before entering the ear.
The surviving hair cells inside the ear detect the larger vibrations which in turn convert them into neural signals and passed along on to the brain.
The severity of the damage done to the ear depends on the severity of damage done to the hair cells.
The more severe the damage the more powerful should be the amplification power needed for the hearing aid to work.
However there are limitations to the amount of amplification required for the hearing aid.
In case of irreparable damage done to the inner ear no amount of amplification power will work.
How do we know that we need help for ourselves?: If you think there is a problem with your ear and feel you can be benefited by using a hearing aid, first consult your physician who may refer you depending on your case to an otoloryngologist or better still to an audiologist.
They are both trained on hearing testing.
The former is a specialist in nose, ear and throat disorders and looks into how the hearing problem happened in the first place.
The latter is a professional in hearing problems who is capable of measuring the degree and type of loss endured.
Don't go for a hearing aid help on your own, take expert advice before you decide to use one.
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