Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

5 Common Plants Used For Eczema Relief

Before the multimillion dollar pharmaceutical companies came along to charge an arm and a leg for synthetic drugs with a list of side effects, nature has provided natural relief for eczema as far back as Adam and Eve.
People keep talking about "natural cures for eczema", but in the end there is no remedy for this ailment..
not directly that is.
In order to cure eczema you have to address the root problem (which is a weakened immune system).
Problem is is that this requires a commitment and lifestyle change.
It takes time to reverse years of bad eating habits and to undo what heredity has given you.
One thing is for sure though.
Whether you accept the challenge of seeking permanent relief or not, when your skin starts to flare up you just want the itching to stop and to stop NOW! So instead of reaching for those expensive creams, here are 5 plants that have been used over the centuries to relieve eczema and other problematic skin conditions.
  • Aloe Vera - By far the most common and most popular of all skin healing vegetation.
    Even the big name brands, over the counter moisturizers include it in the ingredients.
    How easy and convenient would it be to just grow your own Aloe plant out in the yard or in the window sill? Simply snap off a leaf and spread the gel over the skin with eczema.
    In no time at all the skin starts to become smoother and the healing begun.
  • Rosemary - This herb has been popular for generations because of its anti oxidant and cleansing properties.
    So popular that it comes in many forms like oils (add to the bath water and soak in it), topical creams and bath soaps.
    Besides being great at reducing skin inflammation, it can improve blood circulation, relieve stress and has an invigoration aroma.
  • Chamomile - These little wonders look a lot like little daisies and are packed full of anti-itching and anti-inflammatory goodness making it a perfect natural treatment for eczema.
    While you can drink the Chamomile tea to promote internal (immune system) healing, you can also use the same tea leaves as a compress on the affected region.
    Just like with the Aloe, this to can also be packaged as essential oils and topical creams.
  • Walnut Leaves - As good as the above 3 are, Walnut leaves are even better.
    Besides the anti-inflammatory benefit, is also contains anti-fungal and astringent qualities.
    This allows for a wider range of healing aside from eczema like skin ulcers, scabies, hemorrhoids and many others.
    A simple decoction can be prepared by cutting 2-3 grams of dried walnut leaves into small pieces.
    Add them to 100 mg of cold water - bring to a boil and let simmer for about 15 minutes.
    When it cools down, apply to infected skin
  • Turmeric - Part of the ginger family and used around the world for cooking.
    It is not so much the Turmeric it's self that possesses health benefits, but the active ingredient curcumin within it that is therapeutic.
    The magic of curcumin is in its ability to lower the amount of histamines that the body produces.
    (Histamines lead to allergies - lead to eczema.
    ) At the same time it encourages the body's natural defenses to produce its own cortisone.
Natural health food stores can offer up turmeric in various forms such as pills to be taken daily, oils to be used topically, creams and ointments, and even a powder to be diluted in water which is also great for washing eczematous skin with.
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