When people seek out "magic pills" for their prostate problems -- such as saw palmetto and prostate drugs -- they could be setting themselves up for some serious disappointment.
And maybe, even some pain.
Here is why: Not everyone responds to herbs and treatments the same.
For whatever reason, when taking things like saw palmetto and prostate drugs (one of which is natural, the other prescription) you may or may not even feel any difference at all.
In fact, in some cases, your symptoms could possibly even get worse (this is especially true with certain drugs out there).
That is not to say you should not take these things.
It all depends on your unique circumstances.
But, you should also not rely on them to be magic pills that will let you eat however you want, abuse your prostate by constantly watching pornography and masturbating several times per day, or engaging in activities (like long distance bike riding or sitting down for long periods of time without getting up) regularly that can cause even more prostate problems.
It may sound harsh, but there are no magic pills.
Not at your doctor's office and not at your local health food store.
By all means, do your homework and research the best remedies for prostate pain.
And, by all means, experiment with them and see if one or more solutions helps you out (just make sure you check with your physician if you are on prescription drugs, to make sure there are no bad potential interactions).
But don't rely on them as a magic cure-all.
And this is especially true when it comes to saw palmetto and prostate drugs.
And maybe, even some pain.
Here is why: Not everyone responds to herbs and treatments the same.
For whatever reason, when taking things like saw palmetto and prostate drugs (one of which is natural, the other prescription) you may or may not even feel any difference at all.
In fact, in some cases, your symptoms could possibly even get worse (this is especially true with certain drugs out there).
That is not to say you should not take these things.
It all depends on your unique circumstances.
But, you should also not rely on them to be magic pills that will let you eat however you want, abuse your prostate by constantly watching pornography and masturbating several times per day, or engaging in activities (like long distance bike riding or sitting down for long periods of time without getting up) regularly that can cause even more prostate problems.
It may sound harsh, but there are no magic pills.
Not at your doctor's office and not at your local health food store.
By all means, do your homework and research the best remedies for prostate pain.
And, by all means, experiment with them and see if one or more solutions helps you out (just make sure you check with your physician if you are on prescription drugs, to make sure there are no bad potential interactions).
But don't rely on them as a magic cure-all.
And this is especially true when it comes to saw palmetto and prostate drugs.